The Fire of Revenge

77 Human Warlock
One year in the past.

The sun was beginning is rise from the bowels of the horizon on a small town surrounded by mountains, just south of the lands of the former kingdom of Lordaeron. On a small peak, looking over the town from the south side, a cloaked figure sat. The figured raised a cigar to her lips, and took a long puff. Her dark eyes glared down at the town, as it began to stir, and she watched as they began their daily tasks. Her eyes caught the banners of the town as they flowed in the gently breeze, and her expression soured more. The crimson red of the banners were well known, as the banners of the infamous Scarlet Crusade. The town, too small to be of any threat to the outside world, had remained unnoticed by the outside world. The woman took one last puff of her cigar, before is vanished into a pile of ash. She stood to her feet, and began to walk down the mountain pass to the town, as her cloak slowly changed around her, turning from black wool to a crimson red. As did the rest of her slowly changed, her hair turning blond, her face changing shapes and her outfit turning to a crimson plate. The woman's transformations finishes just before she reaches the main gates of the town, where a similar outfitted guard salutes her.

"Finally! We were wondering what had happened to you Courier. Much has changed since you were here last."

The woman smiles. "Oh? I do apologize for making everyone worry, but the roads are not safe yet." She chuckles as she walks past. "I assume the Leaders are in the Barracks then waiting for me?"

The guard nods. "Yes better not keep them waiting any longer."

The woman walks towards the barracks, which had been built in the center of the town. A failed and pathetic attempt by the towns folk to make their town as formidable as the Scarlet holds of the Scarlet Monastery or Tyr's Hand. The woman smiles to her self, as she enters the barracks. She soon makes her way to the center, the main chamber where the leaders of the town gathered to discuss plans of all kinds. As she enters, the leaders look up from their discussion. An old man with battle worn scars, a priest from the chapel, and a younger looking solider. The young solider stands immediately and grins. "Finally! What news do you bring from the higher lords?!" The woman smiles. So...they have a new younger leader... she thinks as she notices insignia on his chestplate. "Good news, the High Lords have made significant gains. They should soon take the Capital from the undead bastards soon." "By the Light!" The Leader proclaims, "That is news worth waiting for! We must ready ourselves to join in the fight!"

The old man looks at the woman, with a look of skepticism. "So what are the orders then...if they are so close to victory." "That we prepare to join them as soon as the next courier arrives." The woman says with a smile. The Leader grins. "Excellent! Have the men prepare at once! Bless every weapon and man!" The old soldier and the Priest look at each other for a moment, then stand to carry out the orders.

The Leader begins looking down at maps on the table. "Soon the kingdom will be ours again." The woman grins. "It will be a true victory...but why don't we celebrate.." She says, moving towards the young man, who blushes slightly. "Um..what did you have in mind...?" The woman gently pulls him by his hands. "Come find out.." she says with a giggle..

An hour goes by, and the woman sits on a chair in the main chamber of the town's leader. She lights another cigar, and her form changes again. Gone with the crimson armor and instead is a lush dark purple blouse and black colored pants. Her hair darkens to a reddish brown and her blue eyes turn bright green. Her face returns to its normal shape. She lets out a puff of smoke, and watches with amusement at the young man, laying in his own bed..surrounded in blood. The naked man coughs and gasps for air as his mouth fills with his own blood and slowly suffocates him until his seizing body moves no more; his eyes frozen in a look of fear. The woman smirks as two small imps appear at her side from the shadows. They crackle as they watch in glee. The woman looks down at them, as she tosses them each a bag. "Time for fun.." She says as they grin with evil delight and hurry off into the shadows once more. She takes one last puff as she stands...and flicks the still burning cigar into the mouth of the dead man. She turns and vanishes into the shadows.

The Old man walks quickly towards the Barracks. He was irritated since the leader had not been seen for hours since the courier arrived. But as he goes to take another step, shadows and fel infected vines races from the ground and strangle around the man. He grunts in surprise and pain as he fights to free himself with little success. "Hello...Father." The man's blood runs cold as he turns his head towards the the woman steps out of the shadows. The old man gasps for words.
Edited by Lorlynna on 6/9/2014 8:59 PM PDT
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77 Human Warlock
"How...its not possible...." The woman smiles. "What's wrong? Are you not happy your sweet little girl has come home?" The old man snaps with anger in his eyes and hatred in his words. "To hell with you, demon !@#$%! You are no daughter of mine and I will burn you with the rest of the scum of this world!" The woman chuckles. "So you enjoy watching scum burn? Then I have a treat for you...father." With this, large explosions erupt from all over the town, fel fire spewing from the blasts and racing to all corners of the town, igniting everything and everyone in its path. The screams and smells soon became unbearable to the old man, while the woman laughed with glee. She soon turns into the shadows, dragging the old man behind her as he screamed in fear...

The moon began to rise as the town burned to ash, the sounds of screaming stopped as the last of the town folk died in the flames. The woman watched from the peak, another cigar in hand, and something new. A staff, covered in thorns and purple roses and topped with something strange...a perfectly cleaned human skull. The woman smiled as she let out a puff of smoke. She looks to the skull. "You are very right...the burning of scum is enjoyable..father. But alas, it is time to go." She chuckles as her two imps crackle with her. She stands, flicking her cigar away, her staff resting on her shoulders, and turns south. South again to a place she ran away from...south Stormwind. The Skull on her staff facing towards the flames...glimmering green as the woman walked away.
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