Last post for Cenarion Circle

56 Gnome Mage
06/28/2014 04:03 PMPosted by Khromie
Yay!!! It's really happening! Thanks for recommending me, Catroo! And I'm so excited for the interview, Turnip Tinkle!

That's exciting news Khromie! :D

Mr. Turwinkle!
Following her inspiration, I would like to submit our guild <Conclave> for an IC group interview. Please feel free to contact me anytime in-game via btag whisper, if you are interested, so that we may work out the details. I have sent you an in-game mail with my btag noted. I hope you will consider us :) and I will be looking forward to your communication.

Thank you for your efforts!

Certainly! I now have a Turwinkle on the CC server! So folks, if you are looking to contact Turwinkle, feel free to drop him a note in-game and I will endeavor to do my best to get with you! Thank you all again for the wonderful comments and support! I look forward to seeing more of you fine folks in-game! :D

I will be talking to you soon <Conclave>!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho Cenarion Circle folks! Turwinkle is back in a brand new Turwinkle Talks episode, with special guests, the guild called Corum Populo! This is a wonderful interview with a great guild! We learn all about the ins and outs of Corum Populo! Come and learn all about this terrific academic guild! We have a lot of fun with these fabulous Role Players as we get to know all about Corum Populo!

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and snuggle up to all the Turwinkle and Corum Populo goodness! :D
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle was invited to attend the Sentinels of the Blade induction and promotion ceremony in Feathermoon. A wonderful guild event these folks do for its members. We take this opportunity to once again talk about the importance of guild events for a guild and its members! Come and enjoy this wonderful guild event and talk about guild events just like this one!

So grab a soda, your favorite snack food and cuddle up to all the Turwinkle and Sentinels of the Blade! :D
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38 Gnome Priest
Gah! My best buddy in the whole wide world and then on the other planets in the galaxy and in the other galaxies and in the universe was interviewed and I wasn't there to throw rockets and confetti and undoubtedly improve the star power quality that a best friend like Khromie deserves. I shall boycott this fine audio-visual projectometer display in protest on behalf of my bestie because she deserves wacky flashy graphics and light shows like those Pandaren use when they make one. I mean, have you seen them sell noodles?! It's amazing.

A Pandaren is sitting there eating noodles, then BOOM! rainbows shoot out of his butt and circle around him while birds fly across the projection and sing a catchy jingle that makes you dance while a second Pandaren is yelling at you telling you how great these noodles really are. The Pandaren that was eating the noodles smiles and gives a thumbs up to the audience and then straps on a rocket helmet, climbs into a cannon, and gets shot into a pile of heart shaped balloons and rabbit plushies.

*makes popcorn and sets her recorder to record the interview anyway so she can watch it with her bestie Khomie because bffs are supportive like that*

The noodles are awful by the way. They lack delicious Rocket Fuel goodness, but the way they sell them. I can't help but buy a few pounds every time I go.
Edited by Sizy on 7/16/2014 9:17 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
You returning on the day of my interview made everything that much more amazinger, Sizy. I just can't even.
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56 Gnome Mage
Editing your episode right now! Hope to get it started uploading tonight so that it may be up by tomorrow sometime! It is one of my favorite interviews of all time! I am loving it so far! :D
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100 Human Paladin
Turwinkle, I would be interested. Real life has had me by the throat and I haven't been to the forums to speak of in weeks, probably months. Regardless, don't give up.

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