What is <Homeland>?

100 Tauren Shaman
So, I’ve been thinking about this for a while…

When I first joined Homeland, it was a crazy little community of RPers. Everyone was different, everyone was creative, and there was no lack of storylines. Best of all, even though everyone was different, and came and went as they pleased, it felt like a family. It’s where I learned the rules of RPing, and where I developed Irilin into the…well, whatever he is today.

Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked…ahem…I mean…suddenly, people started leaving. Just one or two people at first, and then more, until finally, I was the only one left. Sometimes I feel like this ancient relic, slowly being buried by the sands of time. Sometimes, I feel like that old guy who’s lost everything and just lives holed up in his house, refusing to give it up for any reason. But, I’ve still got Homeland, and so long as I’m there, I intend to do my damndest to keep it alive.

That being said, Homeland is definitely not what it was, though I would love to get it back to that point someday. I want Homeland to be that first guild that new RPers go for, to learn the basics of the RP before either moving on to another group, or just choosing to hang out in perpetuity. Unfortunately, it’s really hard to do that when you’re the only active person in the guild. The past few people who’ve expressed interest through the Guild Finder ended up fading into the shadows, because I could never seem to appear online when they did.

So for now, until I can figure out a way to start building Homeland back up to what it was, I wanted to offer it as a parking space for anyone who has alts that need guild perks and whatnot. Alliance folk wanna try out a Hordie to see what it’s like? Hit me up. Horde folks want to create someone so shockingly different that they’d never be accepted ICly into your current guild? Drop me a line. If nothing else, I’d like to have experienced RPers at the ready to help out new folks, and I’d like new folks to come in knowing that they’ll be able to learn and grow whilst staying in the Homeland lodge.

I guess there’s not a whole lot of point to this post, really. But I wanted to put it out there. Anyone who’d like to help me realise the dream of bringing back a stable and active Homeland, the help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time 
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100 Gnome Priest
06/28/2014 09:10 AMPosted by Thaettir
I guess there’s not a whole lot of point to this post, really. But I wanted to put it out there.

Putting it out there is the whole point, and I would chalk that up as a mission success. :D

Thanks for making us aware that you're still around and offering us a space for newbs, vets, and alts alike! My alts are comfortable at the moment, or I'd offer a few of them up; but should things change I'll certainly keep Homeland in mind.

Best of luck! :)

...and knowing is half the battle.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I have not played horde in awile because on the whole it seems dead. No more crossroads clinics with the docs, no more lore nights with Ishnu, no more Abominus chasing Red across two contininets with a rig screaming IEEEEE at the top of his lungs.

I have at the end of the xpack come back to my old home. I see Vanim on now and then. Ehawne as well. It is just so many of the old people I used to love to play with are gone, and none of the new ones want to do anything but speed raid LFR.

How many of the greats as I think of them still play? Hrook, Ghosthorn, Red, Nephytus, Vanim, Ehawne, Old what's his face we split into like twenty undead at the gurubashai arena. Poni, Arjah, Seleema. Osk, Drek, the list goes on. Yes, one can always make new friends, but after so many leave you just don't want to log on anymore.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
The Greats.

Why not be great yourself?
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100 Pandaren Monk
It is an inevitable fact of MMO's, people come and go. More so now with the plethora of FTP MMO's. MMO tourism has become common. People's lives change, and they don't have time anymore. It is any multitude of reasons, but the end results lie not with those that have gone, but with those that remain, for only they can make a difference, if they so choose. As the stinky Belf Priest said above, become that which you seek. The journey of a thousand RP's begins with one RP?

The player formerly known as Urasmidu.
Edited by Qaletaqaa on 7/7/2014 1:36 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Priest
07/07/2014 11:55 AMPosted by Liore
The Greats.

Why not be great yourself?

Maybe I was to some people way back when. I feel like an old person who is the only one left out of a group of friends. I feel less and less interested to log in anymore. Even the new xpac is not making that intrest rise a whole lot. Perhaps it is just time to move on.
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100 Gnome Priest
07/07/2014 11:55 AMPosted by Liore
The Greats.

Why not be great yourself?

07/07/2014 01:29 PMPosted by Qaletaqaa
As the stinky Belf Priest said above, become that which you seek. The journey of a thousand RP's begins with one RP?

The player formerly known as Urasmidu.

*The old gnome stands, claps, then removes his hat to his chest*

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Hmm, looks like this guild is still dead and now there is a new GM again? I wish Mira just kept Homeland. When I joined Homeland on my Horde toons I was only really around for the group of friends I made but the guild quickly fell apart cause of it's last GM. =/
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100 Tauren Shaman
I'm pretty sure I covered the fact that Homeland is no longer what it was. And that I'm pretty much the only active player in the guild.

And while I appreciate that there are other people who remember--and enjoy the memory--of what it was, I'm a little disappointed at the stuck-in-the-past attitude. That, I think, is going to be my biggest obstacle in trying to bring life back to Homeland. If it can happen at all. It's hard to build up new membership and forge new friendships in the process when no one seems willing to even think about giving it a try. Since people seem more than willing to just dismiss it as something unrecoverable, sometimes I wonder if it's even worth it.

Despite the negativity and the shunning, Homeland will remain, to the best of my ability. The charter, as it was written at Homeland's founding, still stands, and I have every intention to abide by it as I attempt to nurture it back to health. Of course, it's hard to keep healing something at which people keep insisting on shooting arrows...

It's nice to see that community building only seems to happen on A-side nowadays...
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
-A wild hunter appears!- You still have me (even though I may be a newly boosted hunter who's attempting to sort out what's what). But on the plus side I prefer Rp to all those other shenanigans!
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80 Blood Elf Mage
Shari's recently found a home with, uh, Homeland. Guilds and rosters change over the course of the years. I've seen my other guild recover and recruit a new roster with patience and effort. As long as Thaettir's willing to put in the work, I'm willing to support him.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I mentioned in another thread that I specifically created a character on this realm to watch Irilin's Summer Stock production. This Homeland guild sounds really nice for someone new to RPing. I'll try to look you up in game over the next few days to request an invite.

Thanks for the post. :-)
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