Worgen. Are they still infectious?

100 Gnome Priest
It's likely been covered in some fashion, but I've forgotten what the verdict.

Are player class worgen still infectious?
Was their ability to pass their curse through their bite or similar attack taken away when the Night Elves helped?

I'm assuming many of the NPCs we come across in the world are still infectious, such as the worgen of Duskwood and the like.

My curiosity has been rattling around for a few days now :P
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I believe they're still infectious. In fact, some non-worgen humans have taken up the worgen curse and purposely infected themselves so to better fight the Forsaken, since they can't raise worgen from the dead.

But that's my understanding - I could be outdated / completely wrong.
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100 Worgen Druid
From what I understand they can still give people the curse. I like to make a joke every now and then that I'll bite someone when I am raiding. But, I haven't found anything that says that they can't spread the curse.
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100 Worgen Druid
If my memory of that quest serves me, the people of Hillsbrad drank the blood of Ivar Bloodfang and became worgen - so in addition to being transmitted by bites and claw scratches, it's also a potential STD, apparently...
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100 Worgen Death Knight
My understanding is that worgen are still infectious; the only difference between playable worgen and feral worgen is the playable ones still have their full human faculties. These presumably war with the worgen instincts.

As far as I'm aware, the only canonical victims of the curse have been humans and night elves. It could be dwarves are immune due to their Earthen origins, and gnomes are immune due to their mecha-gnome origins. I'd imagine draenei are immune due to their alien nature, and pandaren are already animals to begin with.

Horde-side, I'd say that blood elves might be susceptible, but the changes that moved them from being night elves to high elves (as "blood elf" is largely a social distinction, the fel taint notwithstanding). Likewise, trolls are likely susceptible, as they're the original source stock from which we got night elves after their initial exposure to the Well of Eternity. Given the worgen curse's origins in Druidic magic, I'd suspect that tauren might likewise be susceptible.

It's hard to say with goblins, and orcs likely benefit from the same kind of immunity draenei have: they're aliens.

We know that Forsaken and worgen don't mix; worgen can't be raised as Forsaken due to their ties to Goldrinn. "Forsaken" and "Scourge" are likewise social distinctions, not physiological ones, which leads me to believe that the only race which can be raised as Forsaken are humans. Sylvanas seems to be the one exception, as she was initially raised as an incorporeal undead (and we know that elves can return as ghosts), and then she reclaimed her own body.
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100 Goblin Warlock
07/15/2014 06:16 AMPosted by Zherron
If my memory of that quest serves me, the people of Hillsbrad drank the blood of Ivar Bloodfang and became worgen - so in addition to being transmitted by bites and claw scratches, it's also a potential STD, apparently...

STD huh? So basically all of Goldshire is infected.
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07/15/2014 08:34 AMPosted by Mormel
07/15/2014 06:16 AMPosted by Zherron
If my memory of that quest serves me, the people of Hillsbrad drank the blood of Ivar Bloodfang and became worgen - so in addition to being transmitted by bites and claw scratches, it's also a potential STD, apparently...

STD huh? So basically all of Goldshire is infected.

Indeed - and with worse infections than the worgen infection...
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100 Goblin Warlock
07/15/2014 08:44 AMPosted by Finnaeus
Indeed - and with worse infections than the worgen infection...

Hmmm... sounds profitable. Anyone have a recipe for an anti-itch potion I can sell?
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100 Worgen Druid
07/15/2014 08:34 AMPosted by Mormel
STD huh? So basically all of Goldshire is infected.

Goldshire isn't infected. Goldshire is the INFECTION. And as Finn said, far worse than the worgen curse. (Ha, good one there.)
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100 Human Warlock
07/15/2014 07:52 AMPosted by Ragefang
We know that Forsaken and worgen don't mix; worgen can't be raised as Forsaken due to their ties to Goldrinn. "Forsaken" and "Scourge" are likewise social distinctions, not physiological ones, which leads me to believe that the only race which can be raised as Forsaken are humans. Sylvanas seems to be the one exception, as she was initially raised as an incorporeal undead (and we know that elves can return as ghosts), and then she reclaimed her own body.

It is widely accepted now that Forsaken are predominantly Elf or Human. The other races are more rare, but existent. The only reason we don't see them in game is for mechanics reasons.
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