Cross realm and connected realms question

14 Blood Elf Mage
Hello CC

I created this character on this realm and have been playing her over the weekend. I've noticed almost every other character is from the realm Moon Guard with I think 2 that I saw from the local CC realm. I sort of understand the concepts of cross and connected realms being to fill up zones with folks so the area feels more populated. I'm "assuming" (and yes, I know what they say about this) that CC and MG are connected, as well as used in cross realms to create more population with each other.

My question is this ...... will I see more CC folks after I get out of the starting questing areas or is most of CC filled with MG players? I know it doesn't matter either way - I'm just curious is all.

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100 Draenei Warrior
Stormwind and Pandaria are still CC only areas, although people can still be brought over from other realms via teaming.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Orgrimmar is a CC only area too for Horde. If you happen to be an rper or that is something that you are interested in there is a long standing event at the Hardwrench Hideaway in Stranglethorn Valley on Saturday nights.

There's plenty of us out there. Feel free to hit me up sometime!
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100 Gnome Priest
07/14/2014 12:27 PMPosted by Shennelle
I'm "assuming" (and yes, I know what they say about this) that CC and MG are connected, as well as used in cross realms to create more population with each other.

Not connected in the sense that they're fully merged, like what they're doing with other realms.

CC shares Cross-Realm Zones (CRZs) with MG, WrA, SoE, ...and maybe one other I'm forgetting. I typically run into MG and WrA when I'm running around or leveling alts. As they said above, Stormwind, Orgrimmar, and Pandaria are excluded from CRZ, so these zones are strictly CC.

**Chat channels like General Chat I think are still open for cross-realm chatter. Correct me if I'm wrong. But you won't see them physically running around Stormwind/Orgimmar unless they're on this realm.

As of yet, CC is not connected in the "realm merge" sense. We were slated for connection with SoE... but that was put on hold and has since slipped into the Twisting Nether. >.>

07/14/2014 12:27 PMPosted by Shennelle
...... will I see more CC folks after I get out of the starting questing areas or is most of CC filled with MG players?

Yes, you will :) I run into CCers all the time. Not as frequently as MG or WrA, but I do see them.
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14 Blood Elf Mage
Thank you, All, for your replies and explanations. Thank you, Elisarielle, for the invitation. Once I get this gal leveled enough to hit the Vale I will surely check out the Hideaway. I've heard stories. :-)
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100 Goblin Warlock
07/14/2014 02:23 PMPosted by Caileanmor
CC shares Cross-Realm Zones (CRZs) with MG, WrA, SoE, ...and maybe one other I'm forgetting.


You left out Blackwater Raiders! Cail... shame on you!

Anyway OP... yes, you will see lots of MG and WrA players out in the world (exception being Panda Land of course) because their servers are several times more populated than ours. However, most of them are not integrated with the CC, SoE, and BWR RP communities.
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100 Goblin Hunter
Speaking of one part, there's still nothing new bout our connection. We've been left in the dust and if this was a problem that could be solved in character. I'd send em a bomb then get a new crew to do the job that's capable.
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