Hey everyone, im back from a 5 month WoW hiatus (needed it). So i was wondering if their was any active guild around looking for a friendly hunter who enjoys chatting, hunting, dungeons, lfrs and regular raiding (so long as the regular raiding is a nice calm setting and not force pushing progression ><) Hit me up if your interested in me at all. For lots of folks who know me i am a HUGE fan of collecting stuff, whether it be gear, pets, or mounts...and even achievements~
Im back~
Well Conclave hits most those points except for the regular raiding, we currently run Flex (which with WoD will become the Normal raiding) once a week. We're pretty laid back about it and prefer the casual atmosphere. We also foster RP and PvP events. We're a little bit crazy and do love to hunt for achievements (guild and personal).
Edited by Genevra on 7/15/2014 6:29 PM PDT
*Waves Conclave Banner*
Hey who let you in here goat girl?
-Mind Sear.-
<Turns Noik into a cat>
That go-- err...She's my bestie! You can't talk to her that way!
What's the long ears doing here? And the tall one? Quick get the cat before it runs away!
Long ears! Attack that tall one while she's distracted.
/distracts Azheira
Long ears! Attack that tall one while she's distracted.
/distracts Azheira
<Turns Noik into a cat>
Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!! This is worse then Ingleheart
<Shudders and is distracted>
Noikona: [Cat] Ra mrow screor? Brr meerrror screor rowr-reor!!!
07/16/2014 12:40 PMPosted by NoikonaNoikona: [Cat] Ra mrow screor? Brr meerrror screor rowr-reor!!!
Noikona! Remember that one time! You know, over the blade?
I knew you could be funny!
((I'm laughing so hard right now.))
She scoops up the cat and puts her into her pack. Sleep time kitty.
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