Several years before Theramore's Fall...
“No, Azheira. You are trying too hard. You already have the Light within you. You do not need to grasp for it.”
In frustration, the young paladin stuck her tongue out at Brother Karman, but he only laughed as he waved a hand, indicating she should try again.
“Sometimes, I suspect you think you hold the Light in that tongue of yours. Not only do you stick it out often enough, you also like to use words as weapons.” The elder paladin’s eyes twinkled playfully as he smiled at her. “You know, those Knights of the Silver Hand won’t be so apt to train you if you smart off to them.”
The protective bubble she had been working on popped, causing tiny slivers of shimmering light to float down around her like snowflakes. Azheira stilled and looked at her teacher with wide, rapt eyes. Her jaw dropped, but no sound came out.
Brother Karman chuckled. “Ah hah! I have finally learned the secret to keeping you from using that rapier-like tongue.”
“You…you…really?” She had finally found her voice, but seemed incapable of forming a coherent question. Words came, but no sense could be made of it. Stumbling and stuttering seemed to be all she was capable of at the moment. “What…they…really?”
Finally, after much stammering on her part, Brother Karman decided he had teased her enough. “Yes, Azheira, beginning next week, they will take you on as an apprentice.”
As girls of a certain age were apt to do when excited, Azheira squealed. In her exuberance, she forgot the decorum she was supposed to show around her teacher and jumped up, giving him what could only be described as a full body hug. Brother Karman smiled indulgently as he patted her back. He knew how much she had wanted this and he had done everything he could to make it happen for his young student.
At just that moment, several sentries walked by the training yard, eyeing the pair of them with narrowed and suspicious glances. Brother Karman grimaced as he gently pulled Azheira’s arms away from his neck.
“Azheira, people are looking at us.”
“Oh!” She let go and backed up a few steps, having the grace to look a bit sheepish at her overly enthusiastic reaction to the news. “Sorry.” She turned and waved to the guards, and was, fortunately, just rational enough to refrain from sticking her tongue out at them.
It was hard, keeping the excitement inside. Azheira could feel her heart dancing with delight inside her chest. Suddenly, her feet were moving to the pulsing rhythm of her heartbeat. She looked back at the man standing next to her, the one who had made this happen, and grabbed his hands. Her joy was contagious and he moved with her for just a few minutes.
Just as quickly as she had effervesced over with eagerness and anticipation, her blissful mood abruptly ceased and her usually sunny expression seemed to fall behind a cloud. “Did you…uh…talk to my parents about this?”
Her teacher knew and understood her fears and he made haste to assuage them. “Yes, Azheira, I have already spoken to both your parents and they have agreed this is what is best for your training.”
She blinked several times. “Both? Even my dad?”
“That is what both means.”
“Wow…I didn’t think he…would say yes.”
“He wants what is best for you. You know this.”
Azheira’s expression soured slightly and she muttered softly, “He sure has a funny way of showing it.”
“He is allowing you this, Azheira. Show him the gratefulness and respect he deserves.”
Kicking at the soft grass below with one foot, she created a small divot. “Well, yeah, I suppose he did say yes.” She raised her eyes, the innate sparkle and smile she usually had, returning. “Brother Karman, I can’t thank you enough. Can I still come to you for lessons too?”
He shook his head. “You won’t need it, but if you would like, perhaps we could get together for lunch once a week.”
Nodding happily, she jumped and did a little twirl. “Yep! I’ll bring the fish! Speaking of…I need to go tell Lacey.” She leaned over and gave Brother Karman a quick peck on the cheek before darting off, her long blonde hair streaming out behind her.
“No, Azheira. You are trying too hard. You already have the Light within you. You do not need to grasp for it.”
In frustration, the young paladin stuck her tongue out at Brother Karman, but he only laughed as he waved a hand, indicating she should try again.
“Sometimes, I suspect you think you hold the Light in that tongue of yours. Not only do you stick it out often enough, you also like to use words as weapons.” The elder paladin’s eyes twinkled playfully as he smiled at her. “You know, those Knights of the Silver Hand won’t be so apt to train you if you smart off to them.”
The protective bubble she had been working on popped, causing tiny slivers of shimmering light to float down around her like snowflakes. Azheira stilled and looked at her teacher with wide, rapt eyes. Her jaw dropped, but no sound came out.
Brother Karman chuckled. “Ah hah! I have finally learned the secret to keeping you from using that rapier-like tongue.”
“You…you…really?” She had finally found her voice, but seemed incapable of forming a coherent question. Words came, but no sense could be made of it. Stumbling and stuttering seemed to be all she was capable of at the moment. “What…they…really?”
Finally, after much stammering on her part, Brother Karman decided he had teased her enough. “Yes, Azheira, beginning next week, they will take you on as an apprentice.”
As girls of a certain age were apt to do when excited, Azheira squealed. In her exuberance, she forgot the decorum she was supposed to show around her teacher and jumped up, giving him what could only be described as a full body hug. Brother Karman smiled indulgently as he patted her back. He knew how much she had wanted this and he had done everything he could to make it happen for his young student.
At just that moment, several sentries walked by the training yard, eyeing the pair of them with narrowed and suspicious glances. Brother Karman grimaced as he gently pulled Azheira’s arms away from his neck.
“Azheira, people are looking at us.”
“Oh!” She let go and backed up a few steps, having the grace to look a bit sheepish at her overly enthusiastic reaction to the news. “Sorry.” She turned and waved to the guards, and was, fortunately, just rational enough to refrain from sticking her tongue out at them.
It was hard, keeping the excitement inside. Azheira could feel her heart dancing with delight inside her chest. Suddenly, her feet were moving to the pulsing rhythm of her heartbeat. She looked back at the man standing next to her, the one who had made this happen, and grabbed his hands. Her joy was contagious and he moved with her for just a few minutes.
Just as quickly as she had effervesced over with eagerness and anticipation, her blissful mood abruptly ceased and her usually sunny expression seemed to fall behind a cloud. “Did you…uh…talk to my parents about this?”
Her teacher knew and understood her fears and he made haste to assuage them. “Yes, Azheira, I have already spoken to both your parents and they have agreed this is what is best for your training.”
She blinked several times. “Both? Even my dad?”
“That is what both means.”
“Wow…I didn’t think he…would say yes.”
“He wants what is best for you. You know this.”
Azheira’s expression soured slightly and she muttered softly, “He sure has a funny way of showing it.”
“He is allowing you this, Azheira. Show him the gratefulness and respect he deserves.”
Kicking at the soft grass below with one foot, she created a small divot. “Well, yeah, I suppose he did say yes.” She raised her eyes, the innate sparkle and smile she usually had, returning. “Brother Karman, I can’t thank you enough. Can I still come to you for lessons too?”
He shook his head. “You won’t need it, but if you would like, perhaps we could get together for lunch once a week.”
Nodding happily, she jumped and did a little twirl. “Yep! I’ll bring the fish! Speaking of…I need to go tell Lacey.” She leaned over and gave Brother Karman a quick peck on the cheek before darting off, her long blonde hair streaming out behind her.