Bruuk's Corner in use?

90 Blood Elf Paladin
Hi guys and girls. While looking into new locales for our food and drink service location, I came across Bruuk's Corner in Ironforge, and after staking it out for a week and finding it empty, have the question of if it is currently in use by anyone?
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50 Dwarf Paladin
Not to my knowledge. Since IF is CRZ'd I know that (seemingly random) MG and WrA Rpers will use it, but to my knowledge no one on CC has anything established (and currently running) in Bruuk's Corner.

Our Guard post office is at the other end of the Military Ward from Bruuk's, so I've declared it our official Off-Duty station :) If you do set up there it would be nice to swing by from time to time for meal or a round.

On changing your avatar: Have you tried clicking on your name? While posting this if I click on my name next to my avatar portrait a list of my other characters pops up. Then I can click on another character to change. Just be sure to save a copy of your post text before you swap because you'll lose everything on the swap :P
Edited by Kelvalnan on 9/3/2014 10:46 AM PDT
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100 Human Warlock
Love this idea. We *so* need to get things happening in places other than Stormwind.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Great. That sounds awesome to myself and my business partner. We shall be setting up soon and letting people know once we are organised.

Avatar: I have tried that, but each time I do it gives me a 500 error. Can I only change to a level 90 character? That may be the problem.
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90 Goblin Warlock
You can't use Bruuk's Corner! Where will I stash all of my smuggled goods!? :o
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100 Human Warlock
09/05/2014 07:20 AMPosted by Shelgrälfa

Avatar: I have tried that, but each time I do it gives me a 500 error. Can I only change to a level 90 character? That may be the problem.

You should be okay with any character as long as they're not so low as not to appear on armory yet (so minimum of level 10 should be fine, if things are working properly.)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
What time are many of your officers generally off duty Kelvalnan? So that we can attempt to best suit them where possible.

09/05/2014 08:04 AMPosted by Mormel
You can't use Bruuk's Corner! Where will I stash all of my smuggled goods!? :o

For a small nominal fee we can help you to stash those goods and reduce the chance of them being found.

09/05/2014 08:10 AMPosted by Alelsa
09/05/2014 07:20 AMPosted by Shelgrälfa

Avatar: I have tried that, but each time I do it gives me a 500 error. Can I only change to a level 90 character? That may be the problem.

You should be okay with any character as long as they're not so low as not to appear on armory yet (so minimum of level 10 should be fine, if things are working properly.)

Every time I click on my portrait on the left, I receive the page displaying
Internal Server Error

"An error occured. Please try again later."

Error ID: O9IIT"

Any ideas what causes that or how to fix it?
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90 Goblin Warlock
09/05/2014 09:11 AMPosted by Shelgrälfa
For a small nominal fee we can help you to stash those goods and reduce the chance of them being found.

Throw in a gnome puntin' service an' we got a deal!
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50 Dwarf Paladin
09/05/2014 09:11 AMPosted by Shelgrälfa
What time are many of your officers generally off duty Kelvalnan? So that we can attempt to best suit them where possible.

((Not too many of us in guild or online at any one time to say, but I'm generally on in the evenings. Can really speak for anyone else. Rest assured whenever I can swing by for a bite or a drink I will :)

If you set up shop then I'll have to revise my IC council about spending any time on-duty at Bruuk's! Perhaps that'll become our On-Duty break station :D ))

09/05/2014 01:02 PMPosted by Mormel
Throw in a gnome puntin' service an' we got a deal!

Be Advised: Any an' all Gnome Puntin' while within the city ur realm will carry with et a serious punishment for the one puntin' an' the ones found to be in association with. As in yoo'll go straight to jail where yoo'll become acquainted with many a grubby dwarf that ain't seen the likes of a woman nae the light of day for some time... if ye catch my meanin'. Unless of coorse yer a goblin, then its straight out the back to the ax.
Edited by Kelvalnan on 9/5/2014 4:39 PM PDT
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90 Goblin Warlock
09/05/2014 04:34 PMPosted by Kelvalnan
Unless of coorse yer a goblin, then its straight out the back to the ax.

You savages! >:(
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100 Pandaren Monk
Throw in a gnome puntin' service an' we got a deal!

You misspelled goblin. Besides, gnomes have sharp teeth.
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100 Dwarf Mage

The Alliance themselves punt gnomes all the time. Also, goblins have way sharper teeth and explode when punted, hence why it never happens on the Horde.
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