Possible to kill Garrosh at low level with he

100 Tauren Shaman
I'll be honest. Garrosh must die... And from an IC perspective by my hands. And I need to do it before it's too late.

So I'll ask. Is it possible for me to assist with a group or do I have to be level 90 to participate?

Or, how long do I have? Do you think it's possible for me to make it before the patch comes out?
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Oooof, getting to level 90? If you can marathon it and devote all your time...you MIGHT be able to do it ina week, but you'd have to be playing like, 12 hours a day to do that! Getting geared up for SoO won't take long, thanks to the Timeless Isle. So, if you haul butt, you could do it. And no, you gotta be 90 to get into the raid dearie. And at this stage, you might not have time to gear up for Flex, let along normal.
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100 Tauren Shaman
I do have a level 80 DK... Maybe I should suck it up and get him there first.

Just have to relearn him though.
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100 Human Death Knight
Or.....Boooooooost that Mooo-er
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100 Tauren Shaman
Sorry, I refuse to use the level 90 boost.
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
As it is laughably insane how quick one can get to 496+ ilvl on the Timeless Isle immediately after turning 90 (and this is just from running around looting the chests), if you push yourself at a decent clip you might be able to at least have a few weeks in LFR to poke at him.

If you want the actual achievement though, that's a few weeks of LFR and Flex and hoping there's a group out there willing to let you tag along on a Normal Run either for free or a gold payment.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
08/31/2014 01:10 AMPosted by Ayndais
If you want the actual achievement though, that's a few weeks of LFR and Flex and hoping there's a group out there willing to let you tag along on a Normal Run either for free or a gold payment.

As someone who has now given up on said achievement, I will be the Negative Nancy here and say that this is probably not likely; most of the raiders that can clear Garrosh have likely stepped back until WoD. (And being someone who's perpetually broke, I doubt the paltry sum of money I usually have would be sufficient, even if I said I wanted no gear.)
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
08/31/2014 04:43 AMPosted by Ketiron
08/31/2014 01:10 AMPosted by Ayndais
If you want the actual achievement though, that's a few weeks of LFR and Flex and hoping there's a group out there willing to let you tag along on a Normal Run either for free or a gold payment.

As someone who has now given up on said achievement, I will be the Negative Nancy here and say that this is probably not likely; most of the raiders that can clear Garrosh have likely stepped back until WoD. (And being someone who's perpetually broke, I doubt the paltry sum of money I usually have would be sufficient, even if I said I wanted no gear.)

Perhaps, but there's always up and coming and folks who have tuned their raiding into a casual affair. It's harder to bring an extra into a 10man than it is a 25man.

That being said, my guild is actually starting to raid SoO normal with the understanding that it's just for fun in a hopeful attempt to see Garrosh murdered before the expansion. The invitation for Rahlekk is there to join if/when he gets 90 in time. Extended to you as well Keitron if needed. :)
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90 Goblin Warlock
What did Garrosh ever do to you? He once helped me kill a bunch of purple elves and even yelled at me. Said I was a "filthy, greedy little capitalist and that I'm a disgrace to the Horde." I think he was hitting on me...

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