Interest in a Tauren-exclusive guild?

100 Tauren Shaman
EDIT: The Tauren-only Guild, "Weight of the Horde", has been created! (Or, I have the charter) Message me in game if you're interested and meet the only requirement! I'm also usually hanging out in HordeOOC.

((This post is Out-of-Character.))

Hey Cenarion Circle. And Sisters of Elune! Greetings, greetings. Rahlekk here, Tauren Shaman. Been playing since BC, and I did most of my raiding in WoTLK, but now I'm back, and getting ready for WoD!

I just have a general question for you guys/gals. Would anyone be interested in a guild for Taurens only? Here's what I'm thinking:

    A tribe-like architecture.
    Tribe-ish rankings.
    Would be doing raiding, nothing hardcore though.
    RP would be a thing!
    Tauren only, all classes are fine though.

As for a lore standpoint, my character is tribeless, due to some acts he's performed, and he'd be willing to start a new one. It could be an existing one in the lore (The Cliffwalker tribe really caught my eye) or a totally new one, but it would be based on existing Tauren principles, Strength and Honor, etc.

Let me know!
Edited by Rahlekk on 9/8/2014 3:03 PM PDT
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90 Orc Shaman
Well, naming a guild after an existing lore group or organization makes you a target for a free name change, so you may wanna steer away from existing Tribe names. That said, I might have a moo for you.
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100 Tauren Shaman
Well it still needs more people, so it's quite tentative at the moment!
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90 Goblin Warlock
Making an active RP guild dedicated solely to one race is a very difficult goal to obtain for small but close knit communities like CC and SoE. There simply are not enough of us. Extending the boundaries of your guild to encompass the Western Horde of Kalimdor would still be difficult but more feasible.

However, I realize the purpose of your thread is to gauge how much interest people may have in an all tauren guild. As of right now I do not see too many CC/SoE Tauren RPers at the events I attend. However with WoD coming up I imagine there will be an influx of returning players along with new ones wanting to be a part of a smaller RP community. Thus, definitely keep pitching your guild idea in the weeks leading up to WoD.
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100 Tauren Shaman
Yeah, you're correct Mormel, I've actually abandoned the idea now.

EDIT: Not really! I'll stick with this!
Edited by Rahlekk on 9/8/2014 2:24 PM PDT
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100 Tauren Shaman
Well, I guess we can see how much interest this gets in the upcoming weeks before WoD comes out, so if anyone is interested, please let me know!
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100 Gnome Priest
To be honest I find these kind of posts encouraging. I like seeing a divers interest out there, especially now that we're a CC/SoE combined community.

Sad to say I don't play horde all that often, and when I do Tauren just isn't on my list of go to races. Nothing against them, I just have a hard time getting into character on the few I've rolled.

It is also true what Mormel had to say. I've tried as have several others on the blue side to create all gnome guilds, but they just don't get off the ground [insert short joke here] or stay afloat for long if they do :/

[derail] Is C.O.G. even still around? [/derail]

Were my aversion to the bull different I would certainly seek you out. This sounds like a fun idea. :) So I will give you a +1! and whatever support I can muster from my little blue corner.
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100 Tauren Shaman
Yeah, I'm still interested in doing this, but of course I need a few members before I start actually doing things.

Please let me know guys. (: Maybe I should repost this on the SoE forums?
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90 Goblin Warlock
Definitely extend the post to the SoE forums but just be aware things are generally less active there than here. As I wrote above your best time to start nabbing fresh blood is around the launch of WoD. Returning and new folks alike will pop up then. More importantly many of them will not already be part of an active guild.

Best of luck!
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100 Tauren Shaman
I am interested in getting a start on it before WoD hits so it at least has some structure by then. So I'll throw out some names and you guys tell me what you think:

Cairne's Legacy (Or Legacy of Cairne)
Shu'Halo Warriors
Weight of the Horde (Kind of punny)
Magatha's Bane (Or Grimtotem's Bane)
Of the Earth (something like that)

These are just the first ideas that come to mind, I'm open to suggestions!
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100 Gnome Priest
Cairne's Legacy (Or Legacy of Cairne)
Shu'Halo Warriors
Weight of the Horde (Kind of punny)
Magatha's Bane (Or Grimtotem's Bane)
Of the Earth (something like that)

Heavy Horders
Grimtotem Grinders
Earth Wardens, Earth Warders, Saltlick of the Earth
Moon Jumpers (( :P ))
Edited by Caileanmor on 9/7/2014 1:09 AM PDT
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90 Goblin Warlock
Buffalo Chipsters
Steak Sauce
Thunderbeef Warders
Earth Mooers
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100 Tauren Shaman
Guys! I have created the Guild. Weight of the Horde. If anyone is interested, and you are made of steak, please let me know here or in game!

Here's to some great times to come!
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100 Blood Elf Rogue
I am extremely surprised that no one from CC has mentioned that CC used to have a tauren-only type guild. (There were some trolls in it, but other than that mostly Tauren). Ishnu Por Ah, ran by Redearth whom I see every once and a while.

I, personally, LOVE race themed guilds. I attempted creation of an Undead only on CC a few years ago. However, as someone mentioned, these guilds just do not do well on CC or I guess SoE either. We have such a small population that even creating ANY RP guild generally doesn't work out well. Maybe with the server merge it will be different; but I honestly can't think of any "Just" RP Guild on Horde-side on CC right now that has more than maybe 5 active people. And I'm thinking IC Guild Chats. I know we have a few guilds that have RPers in them [Wayfarer's comes to mind], but they don't count. :-P
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
09/10/2014 01:52 PMPosted by Reagan
And I'm thinking IC Guild Chats. I know we have a few guilds that have RPers in them [Wayfarer's comes to mind], but they don't count. :-P

Tell us how you really feel. :D
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100 Tauren Shaman
The plan wasn't really do do exclusively RP, and I know there'd have to be collaboration with other Guilds to do raiding. Neither was Guild IC chat. I've just never really been a fan of that.

Either way, the options are still open.
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100 Dwarf Mage
09/10/2014 01:52 PMPosted by Reagan
Maybe with the server merge it will be different; but I honestly can't think of any "Just" RP Guild on Horde-side on CC right now that has more than maybe 5 active people. And I'm thinking IC Guild Chats. I know we have a few guilds that have RPers in them [Wayfarer's comes to mind], but they don't count. :-P

To be fair the Da Doctors and the Broken House are mostly RP Guilds. The AAMS definitely is too so Horde RP Guilds do exist.

And bad mouthing the Wayfarer's!? :o You're going to make Liore cry at this rate.
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100 Blood Elf Rogue
What I meannnnnn is. Exclusive RP. In guild chat RP, who only recruit RPers. I know Wayfarers has a lot of RPers, but they do not exclusively recruit only RPers, and do not have a guild chat RP thing.

I've never heard of the Broken House anymore, so I guess they must be fairly new? Da Doctas, I think has like..3 active members. I see Sid, Llejna... that's about it. So 2? xD

AAMS yes, but again, I only see a few of them running around. Gone are the days were RP guilds would have 30-50 active members with 10-20 on at peak playing time. They just don't exist anymore; at least on CC.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Ok. I concede that there are no large-ish active RP guilds left on SoE and CC. Then again... I question the prevalence of large-ish active guilds period on our combined servers.

But I digress. To be honest though I actually enjoy the smaller, more tight knit RP community. In my experience once you start getting a large number of RPers congregated at an active event (not a static one like listening to a speech ect...) it becomes difficult to keep track of everything going on.
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100 Undead Death Knight
09/25/2014 12:40 AMPosted by Mormel
Ok. I concede that there are no large-ish active RP guilds left on SoE and CC. Then again... I question the prevalence of large-ish active guilds period on our combined servers.

Large RP groups i agree arn't around at all for CC, but I think that's because of the Curse of End of Expantion. There are certanly quite numerous sized guilds still around - Lluchiduu Ocheliad, I think Pia is still quite big when it's not end of expantion. Horde side seems significantly smaller in terms of pop so I dont know their guilds all to well.
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