(A) Looking for a few good PvPers

Hello all.
I'm currently looking for a few more people to fill out the 10s rated BG team I've been working on. Pre-reqs are 1800+ in WotLK seasons, Vent and Skype.

High demand:
Resto shammy or resto druid
Shadow priest

Medium demand:
Disc Priest
Ret pally

I will, of course, consider other classes.
Edited by Kyarno on 12/13/2010 4:00 AM PST
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Bump for awesomeness.

Still looking for healers. They kinda help and stuffs.
Also looking for more dps.

Shoot me a tell or reply here.
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85 Human Rogue
Do you have a general schedule in mind? I'd be interested (on one of my healers), but I'm a late-night player (online from ~8pm ST).

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Hey, shoot me a tell in game and I'm sure we can work something out.
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Disc/shadow priest. No skype. Have vent. 3840 resil.
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