Servers: Sisters of Elune & Cenarion Circle (connected)
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Army of Altness (both servers)
Guild Type: Leveling Guild, Social, Casual PvP, RP groups and Casual but Determined Raiding - Including old content for Mogs and the fun of it!
Contacts: Confido (GM), Eliax (Asst. GM, Battletag - Gypsybug#1355), Andrityl, Ænthor, Brandell, Mistryl, Ferrefox and Werdna - contact any online member for a general invite, talk to any of the named above for Raiding.
Web site:
You can also apply to join at the website.
Recruiting: Always!
General Information
As the name and type imply, we are a virtual army. Looking for an active guild where people are actually online and... gasp....talking to each other? This is the place to land. We try to keep things light and friendly and family oriented. We have lot's of families, couples and irl friends in our ranks (GM and Asst. GM are husband and wife). And, of course, you are welcome to bring your alts. We run guild contests and Fun Runs monthly, Pet and Fishing Tournaments, weekly RP nights (no eRP) and weekly celestials/world boss groups.
Raid Information
We currently have a core team that raids mainly Wednesday and Thursday evening, 8pm server. Though this is going to change with WoD. See below. Our Casual team schedules runs a little more spontaneously, but one that seems to be regular is Monday 8pm server with the occasional Saturday run thrown in. Again this is likely to change soon.
Raid Leaders - Need 2 senior and 2-4 junior
For a 2 night a week, 2 hour per night rotation. Raid Leaders are generally in charge of the group DURING a raid. These folks decide strategies and coordinate the teams to help ensure successful guild runs. They will listen to the ideas of the raid members and decide how to proceed during the raid. Generally speaking, these leaders are cool and patient and help ensure that folks are having fun and working hard to achieve their characters full potential.
Core Ten-Man Raiders - 2 Teams
For a 2 night a week, 2 hour per night rotation. As of now, we have a handful of dedicated raiders, but not quite enough to field 2 full guild ten-mans. We need a minimum of 4 tanks, 4 healers, 2 dps'ers that have heals off-specs and I think about 5 dps'ers that are a mix of ranged and melee. As we get closer to WoD we'll be paying a bit more attention to diversification in our raid teams, but atm we are looking for the able-bodied.
Alt/Casual Raid Team
This is for all the folks who cannot commit to any raiding schedule, but still want to be able to run it now and then. This group can schedule raids on their own, or members may be selected to fill roles in the core teams if there is a spot available.
WoD Teams
Our goal is to start progression early with TWO TEN-MAN teams, each doing simultaneous progression though likely on different weekly schedules. We will also have the ALT/Casual Raid Team that can schedule occasional raids on their own or rotate in a Ten Man as spaces are available due to an absence. From the two Ten-Man's and the Alt/Casual team, we will also be running our 25 and 20 man teams. With that in mind, we have MANY openings for raiders.
Come see if we're what you're looking for!
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Army of Altness (both servers)
Guild Type: Leveling Guild, Social, Casual PvP, RP groups and Casual but Determined Raiding - Including old content for Mogs and the fun of it!
Contacts: Confido (GM), Eliax (Asst. GM, Battletag - Gypsybug#1355), Andrityl, Ænthor, Brandell, Mistryl, Ferrefox and Werdna - contact any online member for a general invite, talk to any of the named above for Raiding.
Web site:
You can also apply to join at the website.
Recruiting: Always!
General Information
As the name and type imply, we are a virtual army. Looking for an active guild where people are actually online and... gasp....talking to each other? This is the place to land. We try to keep things light and friendly and family oriented. We have lot's of families, couples and irl friends in our ranks (GM and Asst. GM are husband and wife). And, of course, you are welcome to bring your alts. We run guild contests and Fun Runs monthly, Pet and Fishing Tournaments, weekly RP nights (no eRP) and weekly celestials/world boss groups.
Raid Information
We currently have a core team that raids mainly Wednesday and Thursday evening, 8pm server. Though this is going to change with WoD. See below. Our Casual team schedules runs a little more spontaneously, but one that seems to be regular is Monday 8pm server with the occasional Saturday run thrown in. Again this is likely to change soon.
Raid Leaders - Need 2 senior and 2-4 junior
For a 2 night a week, 2 hour per night rotation. Raid Leaders are generally in charge of the group DURING a raid. These folks decide strategies and coordinate the teams to help ensure successful guild runs. They will listen to the ideas of the raid members and decide how to proceed during the raid. Generally speaking, these leaders are cool and patient and help ensure that folks are having fun and working hard to achieve their characters full potential.
Core Ten-Man Raiders - 2 Teams
For a 2 night a week, 2 hour per night rotation. As of now, we have a handful of dedicated raiders, but not quite enough to field 2 full guild ten-mans. We need a minimum of 4 tanks, 4 healers, 2 dps'ers that have heals off-specs and I think about 5 dps'ers that are a mix of ranged and melee. As we get closer to WoD we'll be paying a bit more attention to diversification in our raid teams, but atm we are looking for the able-bodied.
Alt/Casual Raid Team
This is for all the folks who cannot commit to any raiding schedule, but still want to be able to run it now and then. This group can schedule raids on their own, or members may be selected to fill roles in the core teams if there is a spot available.
WoD Teams
Our goal is to start progression early with TWO TEN-MAN teams, each doing simultaneous progression though likely on different weekly schedules. We will also have the ALT/Casual Raid Team that can schedule occasional raids on their own or rotate in a Ten Man as spaces are available due to an absence. From the two Ten-Man's and the Alt/Casual team, we will also be running our 25 and 20 man teams. With that in mind, we have MANY openings for raiders.
Come see if we're what you're looking for!