Issues with the Armory

100 Dwarf Mage
This is not directed at Blizzard (I've already made a reply to a thread in the appropriate forum) but simply an fyi to the CC community.

Ever since the merge Mormel's armory has failed to update and, as of today, her profile has vanished entirely. I can't select her when I log into the forums or even find her via a search anymore.

Thankfully I can still log into the game as her but, for who knows how long, I'll need to post on the forums as Gerhilda.
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100 Blood Elf Warrior
It wasn't me this time.
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I'm gonna miss looking at the green booger when you're hating on my cracked team of squirrels and other assorted forest wildlife.

*looks at a squirrel, clearly high on crack*

We get a reprieve! FINALLY!
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100 Human Rogue
Yeah it's a known issue that comes up with merges, should be fixed in a month or so ><
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100 Dwarf Paladin
I'm still here!
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100 Human Rogue
09/09/2014 12:50 PMPosted by Inic
I'm still here!

That's because you're like a cat that you try to haul off. Somehow you keep finding your way back to us!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
09/09/2014 10:20 AMPosted by Gerhilda
This is not directed at Blizzard (I've already made a reply to a thread in the appropriate forum) but simply an fyi to the CC community.

Ever since the merge Mormel's armory has failed to update and, as of today, her profile has vanished entirely. I can't select her when I log into the forums or even find her via a search anymore.

Thankfully I can still log into the game as her but, for who knows how long, I'll need to post on the forums as Gerhilda.

Do not believe her. Mormel was assassinated ICLY.

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100 Dwarf Mage
09/09/2014 10:59 AMPosted by Yuuko
It wasn't me this time.

Yes it was!

09/09/2014 11:43 AMPosted by Finnaeus
I'm gonna miss looking at the green booger when you're hating on my cracked team of squirrels and other assorted forest wildlife.

*looks at a squirrel, clearly high on crack*

We get a reprieve! FINALLY!

Yuck it up while you still can! Once this gets fixed your branches will have more green boogers in them than acorns!

Yeah it's a known issue that comes up with merges, should be fixed in a month or so ><

But I don't wanna wait that long! ;_;

09/09/2014 12:50 PMPosted by Inic
I'm still here!


09/09/2014 04:13 PMPosted by Trenetir
Do not believe her. Mormel was assassinated ICLY.


And now she'll come back as a zombie goblin death knight. Good job Tren.
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100 Goblin Warlock
I live again!
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100 Blood Elf Warrior
09/12/2014 06:31 AMPosted by Mormel
I live again!

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100 Goblin Warlock
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100 Goblin Hunter
*points gun at Yuuko*
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