Welcoming the Warchief (H-RP)

100 Orc Warrior
People of the Horde, Orgrimmar is free! Garrosh has at last been removed from power, and is set to stand trial. His folly rots our honor no longer. In his place, a new Warchief has been named: Vol'jin of the Darkspear trolls! A momentous occasion for the Horde; for the first time, the position of Warchief is held by one other than an Orc. Let the purists and supremists grumble and complain while we recognize this great landmark of equality among the races of the Horde. But Hellscream has left his mark on our history, and we must ensure we remember it properly so as not to repeat it.

To this end, I will be hosting an event on behalf of Legacy of the Warsong, whose purpose will be two-fold. First, we shall welcome and honor our new Warchief Vol'jin, and to recognize the mistakes we all made under the rule of Hellscream, and take measures to ensure we never allow another Garrosh Hellscream.

The event will be held by the Razor Hill watch tower from where Vol'jin staged the early phases of his revolution against Garrosh and his "True Horde". Let us ensure that the reign of our new Warchief is a successful one - together.

((My initial thoughts have this occurring on the 29th of September at 2:00 PM server time - though this is subject to change, so keep an eye here if you're interested!))
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100 Undead Warrior
Mondaysss are bad for Abominusss, yesss

*weeps maggoty tears all over Korigal, then steals some skin from him and runs off screeching*
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100 Orc Warrior
((well, I figure it's either the 29th or the 1st; Mondays and Wednesdays are all I've got, and I wanna do this *before* 6.0 hits.))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
(Have they dropped any hints about when that'll be? I know it's on the PTR.)
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100 Goblin Warlock
But Garrosh was such a big, beefy, strong orc...
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100 Orc Warrior
((6.0 drops roughly a month before WoD hits, so around early-to-mid October.))
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100 Orc Warrior
((as an update, this will indeed be happening this Monday (as I am no longer available this coming wednesday), so I hope to see people there!))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((I am remiss that I will not be able to be on to rain the parade. But good luck!))
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
((Alas, while I am generally always up for a bit of RP, 2pm on a weekday afternoon is impossible for me. It does look interesting and Azheira would have been just curious enough to attend if she could. Have fun!))
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100 Orc Warrior
((Yeah... sadly, I had to plan it around other things, as I have a 40-hour work week, and am generally doing stuff in the evening on my two days off.))
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
((I was -really- looking forward to making this, but a family emergency is going to have me afk and out of state. .))
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100 Orc Warrior
((Sorry to hear that... this is today, however! I hope to see at least a few of you guys there!))
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100 Goblin Warlock
((Phew. 2pm server time on a week day is a rough time to keep, even for East Coasters. I'll do what I can to swing by the event but I'm not positive I'll be able to make it.))
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100 Orc Warrior
((Hmm... given the number of people commenting how rough this timing is... perhaps 9pm server would be a better fit? Like I said before, I'm trying to time it around other stuff. A little last-minute, but any thoughts? I'm in-game at this point as well, so I'll ask there as well.))
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100 Orc Warrior
((Thanks to everyone who came out! Was fun!))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((I apologize for missing it...ended up having a bit of nap, lol.))
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