Draenei Guild Concept

91 Human Priest
Greetings Cenarion Circle Roleplayers! So I have a concept for you! (As you can tell by the title) So I am originally from Moon Guard and have a character on Wrymrest Accord as well. As I am sure most of you all know they are both drama filled realms and I just need to get away from that. So I have always been fascinated with the Draenei lore and now that they are going to be one of the main alliance focus come the next expansion, I could not be anymore excited!

So a dear friend of mine and I have been wanting to create a Draenei exclusive Rp guild for a little over a month now. Though we have been at a stand still seeing that on both Moon Guard and Wrymrest Accord, there around about two main guilds and well we know that we don't want to compete with them. So I have been looking around for some great Rp servers who may have some Rpers interested in joining a Draenei Rp guild!

I am an experienced Roleplayer, as well as my friend. We both have been playing WoW for many many years and we have been officers in guilds through our time playing.

The name of the guild would be called, "The Sha'tor, Light's Refuge" Yes I know neat huh? ;) hehe

So please Cenarion Circle! Let me know if there is any interest here!
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100 Human Paladin
There is currently a guild like this on CC but the name of it eludes me.
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91 Human Priest
09/24/2014 05:05 PMPosted by Genevra
There is currently a guild like this on CC but the name of it eludes me.

I have searched high and low on your realm and have not come across a single Draenei only guild. Please let me know if you find out the name! Thank you!
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100 Human Paladin
Heart of the Naaru!
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91 Human Priest
Ah ha! Thank you!
Edited by Lynîa on 9/24/2014 6:28 PM PDT
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91 Human Priest
So they are not draenei exclusive, they accept other races as well. With The Sha'tor we will be strictly Draenei ;)
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100 Blood Elf Rogue
Sounds nice, but as stated in another post; race-specific guilds do not tend to do well/prosper/last very long on CC. :-(
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100 Goblin Warlock
I'd take it one step further. Have it be a guild consisting of only draenei women an-

Huh? What's that? People only play draenei women in skimpy mogs? Oh well that makes this easy then.

Er... sorry about that interruption. As I was saying have it be a guild consisting of only space goat girls and call it Dancing Draenei. It can be a organization catering to the needs of gentleman and there will certainly be no shortage of demand for your members at the Lion's Pride Inn.

In all seriousness though... making a race exclusive active RP guild is very difficult on a small server like CC/SoE. There simply are not enough active RPers and those that are regulars are already attached to characters and guilds. That said... Draenei are certainly a popular race so your chances of success are better than most.

I recommend continuing to circulate the idea up to and after WoD launches. Around that time we will hopefully see an influx of new and returning players who might be interested in joining such a guild.
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100 Gnome Priest
I'll reiterate what's been stated above: CC & SoE's roleplayer population is much smaller, and so it's far difficult to to create a race-specific guild. It's not impossible, but you may want to accept that it'll be a very small guild. Small guilds aren't necessarily a bad thing with our community; the AAMS generally only has a couple of people online most evenings, but cross-guild RP is regular thing here.

Most of the guilds I've seen proposed as being race-specific have ended up becoming more generalized. With WoD launching, you'll likely have a better chance than with the expectant resurgent interest in Draenei. Having an active core will help a lot.

And on a side note, I do like the proposed guild name. :)
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91 Human Priest
Well thank you all for your input! We really appreciate it! We have decided to just stick with our original plan and build it up on Wyrmrest Accord. Thank you all <3 Feel free to come pop in with a Draenei character sometime!

Happy Roleplay!
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