How would you roleplay a faction change?

100 Goblin Warlock
09/29/2014 12:52 PMPosted by Finnaeus
Can you stop talking about me like I'm not here? I CAN HEAR YOU!

You are still here? How many times must I report you before you get banned?
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100 Human Rogue
09/29/2014 12:52 PMPosted by Finnaeus
There are many forms of RP and character types I personally find insufferable.

Can you stop talking about me like I'm not here? I CAN HEAR YOU!

what was that? did you hear wind blowing through some dead branches?

/sniffs and shuns the druid who abandoned them! /SHUNS!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
09/29/2014 03:11 PMPosted by Mormel
09/29/2014 12:52 PMPosted by Finnaeus
Can you stop talking about me like I'm not here? I CAN HEAR YOU!

You are still here? How many times must I report you before you get banned?

I'd say the same thing about you. Er...what?
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09/29/2014 03:11 PMPosted by Mormel
09/29/2014 12:52 PMPosted by Finnaeus
Can you stop talking about me like I'm not here? I CAN HEAR YOU!

You are still here? How many times must I report you before you get banned?

That's because my vast, insurmountable network of spies and shadows intercepts your reports before they can get to Blizzard.

*looks at one of his cracked out squirrels*

I employ only the best.

09/29/2014 06:47 PMPosted by Kordrion
09/29/2014 12:52 PMPosted by Finnaeus

Can you stop talking about me like I'm not here? I CAN HEAR YOU!

what was that? did you hear wind blowing through some dead branches?

/sniffs and shuns the druid who abandoned them! /SHUNS!

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100 Goblin Warlock
09/29/2014 10:48 PMPosted by Ketiron
I'd say the same thing about you. Er...what?

Uh... Nyah?

09/30/2014 08:17 AMPosted by Finnaeus
That's because my vast, insurmountable network of spies and shadows intercepts your reports before they can get to Blizzard.

*looks at one of his cracked out squirrels*

I employ only the best.

Yes. Conker is a formidable adversary indeed.
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100 Human Rogue
*Quietly lassos the thread back on topic*

Anyways! not sure how I would do that or if I would aside from my pandaran. >>
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100 Human Mage
With CC and SoE merged I made a Hordeside Imperon on SoE. That's simply an illusion, and not an impenetrable one, although Imperon is a very experienced and strong wizard. But he's already been recognized a few times by people who've had IC dealings with him. Of course, if he was really trying to hide it would help if he didn't wear exactly the same clothes on both factions.
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100 Worgen Warlock
10/02/2014 10:02 PMPosted by Imperon
Of course, if he was really trying to hide it would help if he didn't wear exactly the same clothes on both factions.

Khromie calls you "Pimperon" for a reason, y'know. :P
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100 Goblin Warlock
10/06/2014 02:40 AMPosted by Rakeri
Khromie calls you "Pimperon" for a reason, y'know. :P

So that's what the hat was for!
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100 Human Mage
Khromie calls you "Pimperon" for a reason, y'know. :P

Pimperon, Limperon, Gimperon, Simperon...Plainly I need to start ruling through fear. No one gave Attila nicknames like these.
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100 Worgen Warlock
No, but he did get stuck in a Sonny and Cher number. Ever watched "Histeria!"?
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100 Orc Shaman
The real question is... should roll a space goat or Worgen version of Bralox to attempt a completely obvious it's fake alliance RP.
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