[A - Event] Throwback Thursday 10/23 5pm

100 Human Paladin
Our lives will be changing forever soon, during times of great change it is important to reflect on where we have been as well as where we are going.

Luckily for us, to some extent they are the same place. The following notices are posted around all major cities of Alliance.

Conclave would like to invite you all to an evening of celebration and solidarity.

Come reminisce with us about the past and plan for our future on Thursday October 23rd at 5 bells in the evening.

All of your favorite treats and treasures from a bygone era will be given away.

Dust off your Field Marshal's Regalia or your Vestments of Faith!

The location of this celebration will be forthcoming.

OOC Info:
What: Throwback Thursday
When: October 23rd 5pm
Where: Still being sorted
More info: We have a fun evening of trivia and story sharing planned. There will be prizes given out. Bring your sense of nostalgia. There may be extra prizes for those with the best Vanilla looks.
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100 Human Paladin
OOC Update and clarification:

I've had folks ask if their transmog/gear has to be FULL Vanilla for the contest and the answer is Yes! We will be giving away 3k in prizes for the best tmog/vanilla gear sets.

1st prize: 1500
2nd prize: 1000
3rd prize: 500

Dust off your vanilla transmog!
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100 Human Paladin
Thank you to everyone who came and congratulations to the winners:

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