Selling lvl 1 Darkmoon Rabbit [Breed S/S]

100 Blood Elf Hunter
Just caught this guy the other day. I've already uncaged him and he's in his lovely rare form with a shiny stamp of S/S quality approval for those battlers keen on stats.

I'm looking for around 75k+ for the critter and he'll be a happy part of your battle team, dodging things left and right to victory. If you're interested, my Battletag is Aynie1013#1928.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Er... just throwing this out there but you might want to come down a little bit on that price... or wait until the AH gets standardized. Most folks on low pop servers like SoE/CC don't have the same kind of gold to throw around like those on big servers with more robust economies.

Still, I hope you can get 75k+ for it.
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
10/10/2014 03:38 PMPosted by Mormel
Er... just throwing this out there but you might want to come down a little bit on that price... or wait until the AH gets standardized. Most folks on low pop servers like SoE/CC don't have the same kind of gold to throw around like those on big servers with more robust economies.

Still, I hope you can get 75k+ for it.

The AH is becoming standardized with the patch or is that a wait for the Expansion itself? And I know I wouldn't get the insane offers from high-pop servers but we've got a few big-money folks on CC/SoE. Might as well try to catch their attentions.
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100 Goblin Warlock
I believe the AH is getting merged when WoD launches but I'm not positive. We'll know soon enough if it is coming with the patch.

Anyway, I'm familiar with a few big money people Alli side but none Horde side. Of course I know of only a small slice of the Horde community and almost all of them are RPers. /shrug
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100 Human Warlock
People who roll on that thing and have no intention to keep it disgust me.

Also, yes. Come the patch this Tuesday, AHs get merged.
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
10/10/2014 04:44 PMPosted by Ardam
People who roll on that thing and have no intention to keep it disgust me.

Also, yes. Come the patch this Tuesday, AHs get merged.

*eyebrow* I could possibly pull you into a debate concerning the facts that perhaps my desire to not be broke coming into an Expansion so I can spend less time farming for gold to be viable in Garrisons/PVE and more time enjoying a game in the few hours my nursing courses grant me is roughly on par with someone winning the Rabbit fair and square themselves and enjoying the game in their own rights....

But that's a silly subjective topic and has nothing to do with the fact that there is a Darkmoon Rabbit for sale and I am happy to part with it for either what I've listed on the AH or a best offer from someone who doesn't want to waste time on an RNG drop on a very rare mob while in a group with 25+ other people who also probably want the pet for it's gold value.

edit: And thank you for the answer concerning the AH.
Edited by Ayndais on 10/10/2014 5:31 PM PDT
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