10/08/2014 03:40 PMPosted by
Ketiron I think it's because we're too busy laughing visualizing Mormel actually fighting somebody. Or her opponent surrendering to her powers of snark. Either or.
Since we're talking RP-PvP, let me tell you an RP-PvP story (taking a few liberties with the details for ease of retelling.)
Imagine this scene: Mormel, controlled by a demon, facing down half a dozen people. The demon has been attempting to abduct both Mormel and Kezrin. A deal is made; the demon will face each of them in one-on-one combat, and if
any of them win, he'll leave the goblins in peace, but if all of them fail...
A fighting order is established. Mormel decides to take off a piece of gear every time she wins to account for battle fatigue. At the very end of the fight list is poor little Kezrin, who is very much hoping that she won't have to personally fight for her life.
Her player is very much hoping that, too, because:
1) As much as I love the class, I'm a
terrible shaman, and even worse in PvP
BUT, that point is mostly moot because:
2) It's an RP fight, so only IC abilities could be used.
Not a problem for everyone else, who actually used their class as part of their RP.
However, for not-actually-an-IC-shaman Kezrin.... I could look forward to auto attacking.
So Kezrin (and me) nervously watch as the first challenger steps up. And loses. A piece of gear is removed.
Challenger number two... another loss, another piece of gear gone.
Three and four go by; you'd hardly notice that Mormel's stats had taken a huge hit.
Ellua, the last person before Kezrin, takes her turn. Kezrin fervently wishes her luck, and I start wondering just how I'm going to save her. Even if I did pull out "secret shaman powers!," there was still pretty much a guarantee that I'd loose in a straight up PvP duel. I frantically started to think of RP alternatives as Ellua's battle dragged on.
But then, finally, the demon was defeated. They were saved, the people rejoiced, and Kezrin didn't have to worry about stabbing anything.
Yes, there was some initial gear bias in Mormel's favor, "it wasn't Mormel IC," etc., etc.... but I'm going to withhold on laughing at the thought of Mormel fighting anyone until I see it in action. :)
NOW, as for Dercha v. Somebodyorother... are we talking IC skills or PvP skills? I can already tell you I'd lose any 1v1. And IC wise, Derscha's a pudgy little baker. Perhaps if you give her time to prepare the arena with some carefully placed explosives and itching powder, she'd have a chance. :)