Sir Oarwind, live and in person!

100 Human Rogue
"Hey, hey boss you seen this?"

Glancing up Jestor Gallywax scowled at his assistant, "What this time? If it aint some new scheme to get us rich I aint interested."

The un-phased assistant simply shoved it at him again, "Look!"

Letting out an irritated sigh he reached down and snapped the paper up glancing over it. A few blinks later he glanced up to the other goblin, "You sure?"

"Yeah boss, sure as I am that tauren got hair. That gnome brought it over, said their drunk cam caught him outside the recluse."

Leaning back in his chair the goblin started to grin before reaching for a pen. A few minutes later he held a page up triumphantly, "This is gonna be our big break!"

The assistant eyed it skeptically "Uh boss? What if he don't agree?"

That simply got a wave of the hand "If he don't agree then we don't gotta share profits! we just leave them all vague like and the chumps will pay out their nose for somethin that happens anyways!"

Pretty soon posters started finding their way to posts and sometimes the legs of tall folk who didn't move fast enough.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and ghouls! for the first time in recent history see the great and amazing SIR OARWIND, champion of justice and savior of damsels everywhere, live and in person.

Autographs and personal appearances on request for a modest fee, 10 gold per autograph* and appearance fees are negotiable at time of contract**.

Get them now while it's new, time is limited! Contact Jestor Gallywax*** for more details and bookings."

(Found in rather tiny print at the bottom of the page, and requiring a microscope to read)
*An autograph consists of one letter, subsequent letters can be purchased at a reasonable charge of 9 gold each.

** Bookings are sold in increments of 5 seconds with a price of 50 gold per increment.

***we are obligated by the Goblin trade princes to state we are in no way related to the trade prince Gallywix (Except through our cousin's wife's aunt's hairdresser's boyfriend)
Edited by Kordrion on 10/18/2014 8:20 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
Mormel squeed!

"Nyah! Sir Oarwind! In person!? I just gotta meet 'em again!"

With an overabundance of glee she turned towards the wall of her house to see the signed poster of Sir Oarwind in a loincloth prominently displayed on the wall.

"Maybe this time I can get 'em ta sign a part of my body too!"

Mormel then skimmed over the notice one more time.

"Now all I need ta do is figure out where an' when this is happenin'. Guess I'll get in touch with this guy that's related ta Gallywix by his cousin's wife's aunt's hairdresser's boyfriend."
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1 Human Warrior
Sir Oarwind, Champion of Justice read the notices before erupting in a boisterous laugh. The goblins were trying to make money off of him! "How dare they!" He said as he snatched the notice from the boards.

"How DARE they!" He was fuming, taking care to ensure that his finely coiffed hair was just that.. .finely coiffed.

Sir Oarwind, Champion of Justice stormed off muttering something about misappropriation, and misrepresentation, "I need a lawyer," followed by "I need an intermediary." and finally followed by, "I need the AAMS! They can facilitate this horrid anomaly."

And so with great gusto and ferver, Sir Oarwind, Champion of Justice, penned a letter to the AAMS.

Dear AAMS,

I am in great need of an intermediary to facilitate issues with some of the Horde who are currently breaking several laws. I will require a mediation post haste, lest my adoring fans be scammed by this would be manager.

-Signed with a flourish-
Sir Oarwind, Champion of Justice.
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100 Night Elf Death Knight
((Oh, merciful God. Here we go.))
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90 Human Rogue
((Oarwind needs an archnemesis. Just like all good superheros))
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Darnassus' donated bulletin board was always a subject of eternal loathing for the Warden - but that didn't stop her from checking it almost daily. This time, however, what came to her attention first was a piece of parchment that the wind brushed up against her cloak. She picked it up and read it over, stowing it away afterward.

The next day the bulletin board found itself covered in notices reading in large, bold letters:


((I'll just remind those present and inform those who weren't while I'm here, that Kyalin won her last arbitration case - and would be MORE than pleased to divert some attention to this.))
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100 Gnome Priest
Three slightly uneven knocks on her door, as though someone where uncertain, or distracted.

Derscha glanced up from her reading, ready to have her own distraction. "Come in!"

Cori Sprocketquill, one of the gnome office assistants, slowly opened the door with a dreamy eyed look. "Miss Kettlebomb!" she announced, holding up a paper. "We've got a request, from Oarwind."

"What could the commander possibly want?" Derscha furrowed her brows in thought. "I don't recall the Watch ever sending a request before."

Something concerning the new orc invasion, perhaps? Although she always thought that Commander Orwyn had a myriad of his own resources to tap into; something requiring the AAMS would be quite unusual.

"No, no, no." Sprocketquill shook her head emphatically. "Not the Watch. Sir Oarwind!" She pronounced the name carefully.

A moment of profound silence.

"Isn't he... well, fictional?"

"Look for yourself!" Sprocketquill thrust the letter at Derscha.

"Well, well..." An amused smile quirked her lips as she finished reading the short request. "Most interesting. We should really arrange to meet Sir Oarwind, shouldn't we?"

The other gnome bounced in excitement at the idea. "Do you think he could come here?"

"We'll see, we'll see. In the meantime, we'll send back a reply. We'll need to know the details of the case, and whom to contact, but of course the AAMS will be more than happy to facilitate some calm, poised discussion between groups to sort out whatever disagreement this is."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Derscha grinned as Cori happily bounded out the door, until a sudden thought made her frown in consternation. She was going to have to reread those blasted books.
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100 Worgen Warlock
10/21/2014 03:42 AMPosted by Arlston
((Oarwind needs an archnemesis. Just like all good superheros))

((Rakeri and/or Tyvian?))
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97 Draenei Paladin
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100 Goblin Warlock
10/21/2014 03:42 AMPosted by Arlston
((Oarwind needs an archnemesis. Just like all good superheros))

((Warmelt the fire mage goblin of modesty and conservative values?))


((Well that was a very inter- NO MY GAWD! What's wrong with your face!?))

[Sorry... couldn't resist]
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100 Human Warrior
10/21/2014 03:42 AMPosted by Arlston
((Oarwind needs an archnemesis. Just like all good superheros))


Oarwind is O's arch nemesis, after all.))
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