This server seems pretty quiet tonight, is it typical, or just an off night?
Active time of day?
Oh I totally understand that Ketiron. I always feel like I'm missing stuff because its 1 am where i live and only like 10pm on the server lol.
I'm on the east coast too ;_;
There should be an East Coaster charity to help support us for all the midnight to 3 am RP sessions we've done.
CC/SoE's community is not even remotely as large as MG and WrA so you will be disappointed if that is what you are hoping for. Our community is active but you will need to be on around peak hours and, more importantly, know where to go to find people, what chat channels to join ect...
If you give us an idea of your interests (RP, raiding, PVP ect...) then we can help point you to the correct hot spots.
There should be an East Coaster charity to help support us for all the midnight to 3 am RP sessions we've done.
CC/SoE's community is not even remotely as large as MG and WrA so you will be disappointed if that is what you are hoping for. Our community is active but you will need to be on around peak hours and, more importantly, know where to go to find people, what chat channels to join ect...
If you give us an idea of your interests (RP, raiding, PVP ect...) then we can help point you to the correct hot spots.
10/27/2014 11:50 AMPosted by Mormel
If you give us an idea of your interests (RP, raiding, PVP ect...) then we can help point you to the correct hot spots.
Well, I always hold an interest in keeping up with raiding to an extent, although my work schedule doesn't allow me to join an actual raid team so I rely on LFR mostly. But with the character I would be bringing over, I would mostly be looking for RP, and of course a server with a decent AH economy would be nice too.
Edited by Zeruda on 10/27/2014 11:54 AM PDT
Well the AH economy has improved now that the Alliance and Horde AHs have been combined into one. It is still not great and you'll struggle to rake in the kind of gold someone on a big server can make but you usually can buy what you need at a decent price.
There are several RP oriented guilds, groups of RPers within raiding/PVP/casual guilds, and weekly RP events. Chances are pretty good that you will find a group of RPers that enjoy the same type of RP as you do.
I assume you will be bringing an Alliance character over and that you have already made a low level character to poke around the server a bit. The realm's economy can easily be checked by visiting the AH in Stormwind. A good RP hot spot, during server peak hours, is the Blue Recluse tavern in the Mage District of Stormwind. Usually a few people linger inside or out in front of it and are open to random RP. You can also join the AllianceOOC chat channel and talk with the folks in there.
If you are thinking of joining us on the red side then the weekly AAMS Lounge at Hardwrench Hideaway 7pm server time on Saturdays is the best place to start meeting folks. We also have our own global chat channel called HordeOOC.
Anyway, hope this helps!
There are several RP oriented guilds, groups of RPers within raiding/PVP/casual guilds, and weekly RP events. Chances are pretty good that you will find a group of RPers that enjoy the same type of RP as you do.
I assume you will be bringing an Alliance character over and that you have already made a low level character to poke around the server a bit. The realm's economy can easily be checked by visiting the AH in Stormwind. A good RP hot spot, during server peak hours, is the Blue Recluse tavern in the Mage District of Stormwind. Usually a few people linger inside or out in front of it and are open to random RP. You can also join the AllianceOOC chat channel and talk with the folks in there.
If you are thinking of joining us on the red side then the weekly AAMS Lounge at Hardwrench Hideaway 7pm server time on Saturdays is the best place to start meeting folks. We also have our own global chat channel called HordeOOC.
Anyway, hope this helps!
Yes, it does! Thank you.
What I might do is transfer one to WrA, and just roll up another character here. If CRZ worked in Stormwind this wouldn't really be an issue. I really like doing walk up RPs.. is the Blue Recluse the only real hotspot? I hope that there are others who frequent other places in the huge world we have to work with here.
What I might do is transfer one to WrA, and just roll up another character here. If CRZ worked in Stormwind this wouldn't really be an issue. I really like doing walk up RPs.. is the Blue Recluse the only real hotspot? I hope that there are others who frequent other places in the huge world we have to work with here.
Blue Recluse is the only "hang around" RP hot spot I am aware of that is not in a CRZ zone. The others (such as Booty Bay, Darnassus, and Silvermoon City) are all outside of Orgrimmar and Stormwind.
It is worth adding though that since the patch the CRZ coding appears to be changed. Case-and-point some people have reported Goldshire being quiet while others say it is still a cesspool. I'm not entirely sure what is going on but I have noticed a difference in the realm tags I see on people. Whether this is merely a temporary change or permanent has yet to be seen.
Anyway, there are several weekly RP events and most of us base our RP around those. A sticky at the top of this forum page lists many of the events. People also regularly post information of any special events on the forums too, like what I do with my Boutique and Bar store sales. You can also always ask in the OOC chat channels if anyone is interested in meeting up for RP.
It is worth adding though that since the patch the CRZ coding appears to be changed. Case-and-point some people have reported Goldshire being quiet while others say it is still a cesspool. I'm not entirely sure what is going on but I have noticed a difference in the realm tags I see on people. Whether this is merely a temporary change or permanent has yet to be seen.
Anyway, there are several weekly RP events and most of us base our RP around those. A sticky at the top of this forum page lists many of the events. People also regularly post information of any special events on the forums too, like what I do with my Boutique and Bar store sales. You can also always ask in the OOC chat channels if anyone is interested in meeting up for RP.
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