Phoenix From the Ashes(CC) now recruiting

100 Night Elf Druid
As things come to pass, things change. Change is the only constant.

Hey there, Shait, GM of PFTA here. We are now looking for people to join our ranks for the coming xpac. We are a PVE focused guild, however we also have members that RP as well as PVP.

We are specifically recruiting for raiders for WoD. We are looking to staff a guild raid who is focused on progression as well as achievements. Currently, we have no need for tanks, but healers with off-specs and DPS are always welcome.

If you are interested in applying for this guild, or want more information, please go to You can also contact any officer in game, either by /t or by in game mail.
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90 Worgen Druid
Hey Shait, I am trying to decide on a Main for WoD, and want to stay away from my normal "Alt-ness" Druid (can do everything) fits for me. Here's my question...I am in a guild on CC (not this toon)...that I have been in since end of BC. It is kinda empty...but Im hoping WoD will bring back the masses....are ou guys @ PFTA requiring your Raid team to be comprised of only guildies...or are you guys open to cross guild fun?
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90 Human Monk
What are your planned raid days/times?
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100 Pandaren Monk
10/28/2014 07:13 PMPosted by Theire
What are your planned raid days/times?

*Looks at the strange new monk, Hides the recruiting sign* Raiding? Who said anything about raiding? Raid Monday and Weds nights with invites going out a 5:50 server? Nope it was a nasty rumor started by a nasty goblin warlock. Same nasty goblin warlock said we start at 6 server, and go until about nine, that was a lie too.

*Scribbles on the sign "NO MOAR MONKS NEEDED!!!!"* I kid of course, the more the merrier. :)

And Volstagg, we currently have a few different guilds raiding with us, even a few cross realm fairly often, it is pretty much a pot luck. Pretty sure based of that, it is not an issue.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I would prefer guildies, as it makes it easier to shoot for achievements. However, if you are interested in raiding, we can see what we can do.
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100 Worgen Druid
Cat looks at Theire curiously, then to Qale, then to the human again. "She smells so much nicer than you!"

Silent shakes her head as the cat dashes off to cause mayhem elsewhere.

(We used to be pretty big on Achievements and I do believe that we will be getting back to that. As for raiding, we have a few exceptions to the non guild rule right now, but the core of our group are made up of Phoenix folks.)
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100 Pandaren Monk
*Chases Cat down the hallway Garden Hose in hand*
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100 Night Elf Druid
((Out of curiosity, is this guild name a merger from Phoenix Lost and From the Ashes? I was always wondering about that since I was an ex-guild member from both a long, long time ago))
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100 Night Elf Druid
No. We have been around since BC, and were a splinter group from another guild. There was a merger that we went into a few months ago, but it was an RP/PVE guild that ended up not working out. I get questions about From the Ashes still, never heard of Phoenix Lost though.
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100 Pandaren Monk
*Punts Mord*
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100 Worgen Druid
Forgive the Poorly Dressed armory.../sigh. Who is the RP "lead" if there is one for this guild? Could you point me in their direction?
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100 Night Elf Druid
11/06/2014 11:24 AMPosted by Volstâgg
Forgive the Poorly Dressed armory.../sigh. Who is the RP "lead" if there is one for this guild? Could you point me in their direction?

We don't really have one. We are more of an RP Ally guild. Not that we don't occasionally get into character, but we are more focused on PVE.
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100 Worgen Druid
Are there late night players? A Ventrillo server? A Mumble server? A Teamspeak server?
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100 Worgen Druid
(I am one of the more active RPers in the guild. More through Guild Chat than on the streets, but I do both. Dantemoon is pretty active in the RP community as well.

We have members all over, but most seem to be centered in CST. Hours of play fluctuate at the moment due to the launch of WOD. There are a few that play late night early morning. Personally, you couldn't set a watch by my own play hours because it's really pretty much whenever. We would love to have active players on at different times of the day and provide the guild community that we strive for as well, no matter what time of day it is.

We do have a mumble server. A lot of cat videos, owl pictures, and memes. And sometimes cookies.)
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100 Pandaren Monk
*Punts Mord through the uprights and it is GOOD for 3 points*
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100 Pandaren Monk
*Punts Mord and Sets Deyroose on fiah*
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100 Pandaren Monk
*Punts Mord*
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