Some unsavory folk from a well-known. yuck server have begun to seep onto our server. You will easily recognize them by their distasteful, against the ToU guild name referring to sexual behavior. They were seen in SW Trade District, deep in a ToU violation act.
Please report this trash- get them off of our server ASAP. I didn't roll on that well-known, yuck server so I don't want to see the filth rolling over into ours outside of the questionable behavior in Goldshire.
If you want to know the name in order to keep an eye out for them, send a tell in game to Ranoryn.
Please report this trash- get them off of our server ASAP. I didn't roll on that well-known, yuck server so I don't want to see the filth rolling over into ours outside of the questionable behavior in Goldshire.
If you want to know the name in order to keep an eye out for them, send a tell in game to Ranoryn.