[H] (as yet unnamed event)

100 Tauren Shaman
<Homeland> would like to put on a Pilgrim's Bounty-themed dinner/social evening. The biggest problem being that Pilgrim's Bounty falls over the US Thanksgiving holiday, and people are likely to be out doing family stuffs and whatnot. Not to mention all the folks frantically trying to get their 11 90's to 100 as soon as the xpac drops. (Don't look at me, I only have 5.)

Some folks seemed fairly interested in the idea, though, so I'm wondering what date(s) people think might work. The only reason I'd want to have it during Pilgrim's Bounty is so we can get all the food and stuff. (But it would be potluck-style, so other foods would be welcome. I expect someone from the AAMS to bring cake. Just saying.)

Once the when is figured out, I can work on the where. Depending on the number of people who'd want to attend, I'm not sure the in-game Homeland lodge would be big enough.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
11/08/2014 10:26 AMPosted by Thaettir
Not to mention all the folks frantically trying to get their 11 90's to 100 as soon as the xpac drops. (Don't look at me, I only have 5.)

I'm worse off. I have 12. (My "doubled class" is a DK.)

Thanksgiving is probably gonna be out for me, we're having our feast at the newly-expanded family house, heh. Any time that week, though, maybe, just not THE day.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Hey now. Not ALL 15 will get to go at once. <flees>
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100 Pandaren Rogue
[quote="151392620309"]Thanksgiving is probably gonna be out for me, we're having our feast at the newly-expanded family house, heh. Any time that week, though, maybe, just not THE day.

I was thinking probably the weekend after the actual holiday. My mother would disown me if I gave up a family gathering for WoW...
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
11/08/2014 01:28 PMPosted by Irilin
I was thinking probably the weekend after the actual holiday. My mother would disown me if I gave up a family gathering for WoW...

That was my thought as well...and my mom would do the same if I said "nah, I'm gonna stay here and sit in WoW".
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100 Goblin Warlock
I sold my family a while ago so I'll probably be on at some point during Thanksgiving. However another day still would be better for... reasons. I think the weekend after the holiday will be fine for me.

Anyway, sounds like a fun event and it will give me a good excuse to practice all my goblin recipes. :3
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100 Blood Elf Mage
I currently have no idea if we'll be doing something that day, or out of town for the whole weekend.
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100 Goblin Priest
I work retail, so I'm probably going to have plans. And my 19 (20 with the boost for the expansion) are going to be busy leveling.
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100 Tauren Shaman
((Still unnamed, because I can't think of anything. Nevertheless...)

Many have gone through the red Portal to save our world. Many, however, have also remained behind, willingly or no, to see to everyday life. For those who are still here, or those who can break way to return for a moment's respite, Homeland would like to invite you to a feast of Pilgrim's Bounty. We will have all the traditional Pilgrim's Bounty foods, of course, but invite you to bring along some of your favourite dishes as well. The evening will be quite informal, a time for merriment and tale-telling, of eating and camaraderie.

If any would like to attend, please join us at the Homeland lodge on the endweek of Pilgrim's Bounty, at the sounding of 6 evening drums.*

*((That's the inn-like structure at the back of Thunder Bluff's second tier, the one with the bridge leading to the Elder's Rise. Saturday, November 29th, 6pm server. The AAMS might also be in attendance, so fear not about missing out on Lounge Night hijinks. (Although, really, if the Goblins could refrain from destroying the Lodge's interior, Thaettir would be eternally greatful.)))
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100 Blood Elf Mage
((We have a lot of cake to share. A lot. ;) ))
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100 Goblin Warlock
Nyah? Not destroy the interior? What kinda party is this!? Are ya sayin' we can't bring C4 stuffed turkey an' bomberry sauce!?
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100 Worgen Warlock
11/21/2014 09:45 AMPosted by Mormel
Nyah? Not destroy the interior? What kinda party is this!? Are ya sayin' we can't bring C4 stuffed turkey an' bomberry sauce!?

For someone with such huge ears, you do seem to have a bit of a hearing problem. *grin*
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100 Goblin Warlock
I'm the one with huge ears!? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. ;3
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100 Tauren Shaman

Food has been prepared for 100 guests. If that many don't attend, the rest can be given to those who may not have enough food to survive. Either way, we shall have many reasons to give thanks during this festival of Pilgrim's Bounty.

(In-game calendar invite available :))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I will be there.
Edited by Trenetir on 11/29/2014 8:12 AM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
I did not get the in-game calendar invite ;_;
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