[H/A] Single belf seeking...

100 Pandaren Rogue
...a human male to explore the building of an inter-faction relationship. Somewhat for the companionship, more to see what kind of drama might unfold amongst all the folks on both sides of the divide. Also especially to annoy a certain elf who proved to be a disastrous mate. But mostly for the inter-faction drama.

Interested parties should enquire within.

(And no, Mormel, I'm not looking to buy a human male.)
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100 Goblin Warlock
But I can give ya a great price on one!

Like this guy from Goldshire who knows a lotta neat "stuff" an' is only mildly contagious.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
It's come to this?
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100 Human Warlock
Ew. This is just wrong in so many ways.

I mean seriously, who'd ever want to date an elf? I'll stick to gnomes and dwarves.
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