(A or H) Looking for late-night RP guild!

98 Human Mage
I know most of us have been going berserk on the new content for the last couple weeks... but I'm exhausted. I'm tired of grinding levels instead of playing the game. I'd really like to find an RP guild that's active after 10pm PST. I have several characters between Moon Guard and Wyrmcrest Accord and I'm not afraid to transfer one of them or reroll for the right opportunity.

If you're with a guild that features late-night RP events once or twice a week, I'd very much like to hear from you. And if you're also guildless and looking for the same thing, let's talk and brainstorm over some potential guild concepts!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I got no idea. :-( I would too be interested in late night RP. Preferably horde but I could pull my NE crazy drood out.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Your best bet is trying to work something out with individuals. Most of our events are scheduled for 7pm PST or earlier since quite a few of us are on EST, like myself. Try making a temporary alt on the server during the evening this weekend and join the AllianceOOC or HordeOOC chat channels. That's where a lot of us RPers are and you can ask if anyone on at that time would be interested in scheduling late night RP.
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1 Draenei Shaman
There is a group of us who tend to do late night RP, My guild has a couple members who do. you can contact us in game if you want.
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98 Human Mage
I think I'll transfer my belf paladin over to CC. Araceli, I'll send you a mail in-game. Kyuui, are you and your guildies Alliance?
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98 Human Mage
It looks like I'll have to wait until Monday to move on this. My paladin is in Realm Transfer Limbo. : /
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1 Draenei Shaman
Jed, sorry didn't get back to you sooner, but yes we're alliance.
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