Open Archives: Wed. 17th, 5:30 [RP Event - H]

The Royal Library Presents: Open Archives

Browse the fabled archives of Silvermoon's Royal Library! Acting Head Librarian Arjah presents selected materials from the Library's permanent (non-lending) collection, available to the public this evening only.

WHEN: Wednesday 17 December, 5:30 PM ((CC Server/US Pacific Time))
WHERE: Royal Library Portico (Southeast Corner, Farstriders' Square, Silvermoon City)

DESCRIPTION: Materials from around the world have found their way into the care of The Royal Library. Some, too precious to lend out publicly, are tended in the private vaults of the Library's permanent collection. Now, in a rare opportunity for the public, Acting Head Librarian Arjah will display selections from the vaults on the Royal Library's west portico, accessible from the southeast corner of Farstriders' Square in Silvermoon City.

Come explore curiosities, many of them fragmented and unexplained: the journals of spies, the rantings of madmen, and the strategies of great generals, all on display together at the Royal Library! Due to the fragile nature of some of these volumes and the need for careful preservation, refreshments will not be served. Dress-casual attire is requested.

~ ~ ~

((OOC: Some guilds stockpile reputation trade-ins or trade materials; The Royal Library stockpiles readable book and scroll items! Come browse a few for fun, and see the truly random assortment of things Blizzard at one point or another deemed worthy of readable text. Most of the books are not soulbound, and can be swapped around freely, and for those that are not you can always request a librarian reading. Bring your own if you got 'em!))
Edited by Arjah on 12/17/2014 2:45 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((Edit: Forgot I'm out of town this night.))
Edited by Trenetir on 12/12/2014 7:05 PM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
Nyah! I'll try ta be there! I'm always lookin' ta 'xpand my por-er... my poem collection. Yeah. Poem.
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Don' worry, hon, we'll have a nice poetry nigh' some time, too. An' some time we got ta share all de Steamy Novels dat keep pilin' up somehow, na' that you said anyting at all makes me tink 'bout dem!
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100 Goblin Priest
Um, are some of the books picture books? Cause I get a headache if'n I read too many words in a row!

((got my work schedule, aaaaannnd of course I won't be able to attend, or if I do I'm going to be a couple hours late :( have lots of fun!))
Edited by Ditzlewixx on 12/15/2014 6:24 AM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
12/13/2014 08:38 PMPosted by Ditzlewixx
Um, are some of the books picture books? Cause I get a headache if'n I read too many words in a row!

Nyah? Ditzy... I didn't know ya could read!
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100 Goblin Priest
12/15/2014 04:05 PMPosted by Mormel
12/13/2014 08:38 PMPosted by Ditzlewixx
Um, are some of the books picture books? Cause I get a headache if'n I read too many words in a row!

Nyah? Ditzy... I didn't know ya could read!

Oh yeah, I can totally read! I read Goblin Girls yearly magazine all the time! All 30 pages, with 5 whole pages of articles! I hafta fight the headaches while readin', but it works out, cause by the time I get done, there's a new magazine ready to buy!
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100 Goblin Warlock
That's amazin' Ditzy! Next time we should sit done an' read together. I've got a buncha Sword of Oarwind, Gorgeous Goblin Gals, an' Dancin' Draenei magazines I think ya would love!
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...ah guess ah'll see what ah can do 'bout our Leisure Reading an' Periodicals sections. Ya know. If'n de elves'll go for it.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
-Flashes badge.-

I'm going to need to confiscate this material. Because government reasons. This is government book.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Nooo! It was just getin' ta the good part! Belfio was 'bout to do some interior decoratin' for Goblinia.
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Dis tanigh', folks! Come see an' smell de old books! Shoul' be a good ol' time.

(Na' as, uh, "good" as de goblins seem ta wan', but good enough, ah'm hopin'.)
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((Whoops, I just now thought to edit in an important detail: event time is in US Pacific Time, the Cenarion Circle default. I don't know if any of our partner or cross-realm or whatever servers are on a different clock, so if you are, be advised!))
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