[H] Esquire Trading Company seeks new members

91 Blood Elf Rogue
Esquire Trading Company
Cenarion Circle (H) (RP-PvE, PST)
Currently Guild Level 6

ETC is a community of friendly, dedicated players that also like to maintain outside lives. The guild's primary focus since Cataclysm launch has been leveling, casual RP and casual 5-mans, with plans for eventual 10-man raiding. We are currently seeking players of all walks and levels to expand our guild community.

Schedule: ETC is primarily a late-night guild. Most core members have jobs that allow them free time in the evenings after 9PM PST. Raid times will be scheduled when applicable by majority availability.

What we offer:
- access to standard guild amenities (4 open bank tabs, tabard, ventrilo, forums) and support for leveling tradeskills
- informative, relaxed and friendly atmosphere for leveling and general gameplay.
- schedules that are accomodating to those with late evening hours.
- membership that supports/is interested in all aspects of gameplay, including PvP, questing, dungeons, and classic content including classic raids.
- a casual RP community in which RP is not necessarily required, but accepted.
- an opportunity to become part of, and build a supportive guild community

Ideal Applicants:
- value guild loyalty
- have the attitude and ability to get along with other guild members
- want to take part in a casual RP environment, OR are accepting of the RP community.
- are active after 8 PM PST
- are skilled and knowledgeable about their class/spec, or are willing and eager to learn
- have working ventrilo, mic, computer and stable internet connection

Please contact us in-game by talking to Bloduyn, Antoinette, Drayenn, or Nazek. You can also visit our website at etc.guildlaunch.com.
Edited by Bloduyn on 1/6/2011 10:01 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Good people, very friendly environment. I highly recommend them if you're looking for a late night group.
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Come take a look :)
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81 Orc Death Knight
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Great people.
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91 Blood Elf Rogue

<3 Ithamar and Araceli.
Hope you are both doing well.
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90 Orc Rogue
Hey there, I have to say that the post is quite appealing to me. I am returning to the game after a pretty long break and I'm looking for a guild that's active and somewhat casual. I transferred to this server not long ago and have been just kind of hanging around. I have to say I like it here. I was wondering if I need to go to the website and apply or if just messaging someone was all that was needed. I'm usually online during the evening so I'll keep an eye out if that's what I need to do.

Thanks you in advance, Astenuu
Edited by Astenuu on 12/30/2010 1:15 PM PST
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91 Blood Elf Rogue
Feel free to send us in-game mail or, more preferably, message one of us.
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6 Worgen Rogue
I'm returning after a year break, but I play late at night and searching for a PST time zone server. Sounds like a great match up and just what I was looking for. :)

Will try to chat with an officer tonight.
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