Dungeon Spelunking: Confessions ((RP))

92 Pandaren Priest
You know, it has been a good 60 some odd circles for me. I have not had to travel by my own two boots too often, and generally the company I keep is nice and silent aside from death screams, that is. Since I seem to have so little time on my paws these days, keeping a record of my career conquests has been difficult. Oft, one dungeon smears into another like so much ink on a wet page. Instead, I can only talk about what I know positively. Seeing the big picture as I stand behind you all, and healing those who cannot or will not heal themselves. It IS my job, after all. No, it is not a walk in the arboretum every dungeon. Yes, there are those who attempt to lead the team and fail miserably. It matters not to me. My smithy loves my bad days, and so do I. Were it not for the bad, I could not appreciate the good.

So here is my confessional. Names have been omitted for their ..and my… protection.

Groups that are silent CREEP ME OUT!
Is it really that much of an inconvenience to say hello to your fellow comrades? I will be keeping you all alive, right? Maybe rub my fur or give me a cookie. Running around in silence like a hive mind is strange for me still. He who has no tongue has no eyes.

The Blame Game.
No, it is NOT my fault you decided to lure 25 monsters to your locale and you left me in the dust two doors down while I looted…and then you went around a corner. I’m delicate. I can’t be getting sprayed with blood, viscera….sword points AND keep you alive while 17 Myrmidon and a Bog Giant eat your face. Turtle Wisdom Says: Keep the healer in sight or out with your lights.

I will be the first one to admit I stuck my foot in it. This one particular time all I could do was cast Penance on me and not the Monk up front eating fist. My hands were shaking so terribly I could hardly trace the spell in my book. Our entire party died because of me. Twice! Thankfully, I got Father’s sense of humor and yucked my way out of it, after taking responsibility!

Wait, I Can Heal?
Three Words: Hunters…Hunters… Hunters! I said it thrice because I have that many points. Now Hunters, pull your nethers from your nethers and relax. I think you all are incredibly sexy…Yowza! To tame a wild animal and have it do your will?? Ladies? You with me? …. Right. *a giant scribble* Anyway, a hunter has a few key jobs in a party, and if you are a beast master class, damage is not one of them so get over it. *a smiley face is drawn*

You were taught words of soothing comfort for your beasts. USE THEM! I nearly ripped off an ear in the Mana Tombs this morning over this very thing, and that would have made Luna blue. I am sorry, Mr. Hunter, but I cannot heal your pet. All of my marbles are dedicated to the main people kicking !@#$ up front. I care about people, I truly do. Heck, I even like the odd maggot as a companion. I have had it! I am going to put my boot down and notify DETA (Druids for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ...in case you did not know) should another hunter callously abandon their staunch ally in lieu of applying a bandage or saying words that are hard. You tame it, you heal it.

Aspect of the Cheetah comes in pack form. If you read your spell book, you will see that if you make everyone in your dungeon fast after a pitiful performance people like you better. If you are not new to this spell, make sure you shut it down before we fight too!

Wild animals are just that. They like to make noise. They like to growl. Tame your beasties so they will suppress that urge to growl and we all might live longer. That’s all.

I am a Big Bad Bear
Bleh. I do not have any other way to put it. Druids in charge of fighting are incredibly hard for me to keep alive these days. I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong, but they are the ONLY class I know we will trip the gray without fail. I used to find the exit when I saw I had a Druid up front, but I have been fighting my urge to panic and flee to be brave and take the tongue lashings when it goes pits up. Perhaps with time and power, my job will not be so hard and I will be confident in healing any and every soul under my care! *a cutesy drawing of a bear with all four legs in the air*

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92 Pandaren Priest
Nice is as Nice Does
I will end this here and perhaps submit another installment when I am able. I am being summoned as I jot this down to go cave diving once more. I will end with this:

You treat me with respect, I keep you alive. Treat me horribly, I keep you alive. I am pious, but I am also a woman with a temper. Father sent me to the priesthood because of my cantankerous attitude. The priests were able to smite some, but not all of that spirit. While I try to maintain a professional attitude at all times when fighting in a hole, I am not immune to letting it rip. I can only take so much negative criticism from the unknowing almighty TANK who goes out of range and lets me go out of mana because he/she has ants in her nether shorts for the loot. Yes, I will bite your nose, but I will turn around and soothe your boo boos in the next breath.

I am a Holy Priest and I am addicted to keeping you alive.

Your comments are appreciated. Anything to help me be a better healer helps the Horde!

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Hey Darlin...
Hit me up sometime, I may be a druid, but I got feathers, not fur, and I carry a lot of beer with me. Reckon we could do some damage.

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O Precious Pandaren Priestling -

While some consider them "obsolete" and "phased out" and "something something patch something point something" (I have always stopped listening by that point), The Royal Library still maintains a small collection of priestly codexes from yesteryear that you might find edifying.

The spells themselves have doubtless been replaced by newer, more efficient forms, but I find there to be value in revisiting old-fashioned concepts like "buffing everyone" and "using multiple abilities, maybe even something that controls part of a crowd, say, that's catchy, they should have a name for that."

If you ever decide it would be helpful to flip through those old, weather-beaten tomes to see how the priests of a cruder, simpler time kept their charges alive, I would be happy to join you on the Library portico some time! We are located in the south-eastern corner of Farstriders' Square, in Silvermoon City, and I can usually be found over the hearthstone channel as well.

Yours in Mutual Frustration,

Acting Head Librarian and Precision Turtle-Sheeping Mage,
The Royal Library
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