[H-RP] Boutique & Bar Burnin' Love Sale!

100 Goblin Warlock
The following advertisement has appeared in all January issues of The Sword of Oarwind, Dancing Draenei, Gorgeous Goblin Gals, and Wrathgate magazines.

Yearnin’ for that special dress which shows alotta skin?
Parched for some Cactus Cider?
Needin’ a gadget ta liven up the bedroom with?
Or are ya just lookin’ for a smexy date?

Any reason is a good reason ta attend the…

Mormel & Rhazin’s Boutique & Bar™
Hawt Burnin’ Love Sale!!!

Nyah! That’s right! The Boutique an’ Bar is the only place where ya can buy the best drinks, dresses an’ gadgets in one convenient location! That special time of year is comin’ up an‘ we are the only place sellin’ the smexiest lingerie around! This upcomin' sale will take place at our headquarters:

Booty Bay at the Deep South Tannery

Sunday, February 8th at 6:00 pm (Server Time)

Deep South Tannery is located in the eastern part of Booty Bay near the Tailor, Leather, an' Alchemy shops.

But wait! Not only are we providin’ the hawtest power undies around but we’re proud ta introduce two completely new product lines! The first is Grandma’s Mojo, an ultra smexy selection of garments designed specifically ta accommodate the sagginess of older troll chicks. The second is Zombie Topic, a line of high quality products caterin’ to our friends from the Undercity Demographic. Be the first ta own livin’ roach dresses, slimeshoo, an’ a tetnis coffin for sleepin’, all at super ultra low prices!

So there ya have it folks! As always expect a performance from Swizzy the Stupendous an’ make sure ta get all ya socks rockin’ supplies on February 8th!

PS: The first ten customers get a free Gender Bender 3000ex Energy Drink.
Edited by Mormel on 1/17/2015 8:45 AM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock

It's this Sunday, Sunday, Sunday folks!
Edited by Mormel on 2/2/2015 10:17 AM PST
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((Noooo, I wanna come but I've got dinner plans and social stuff. If it runs late I'll try to swing by the tail end! Sorry to be missing this one.))
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100 Goblin Warlock
((Awww. I would have loved to see you there too Arjah ;_; If you are able to get on this Sunday evening then you are more than welcomed to swing by for the end of it. Usually I like to hold it an hour later but because of my new work schedule it is harder for me to stay up late these days.))
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100 Gnome Priest
[Dear Worm Melt and Gammy Arj, please make events that aren't on Thurs/Sun! PUHHHHLEEEEAAAASEEEEE??]
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((Library ones aren't fixed to Thursday. It's just been convenient the last couple weeks, and isn't occupied by any other regular RP events. I'll try for a Monday or a Wednesday or something on the next one.))
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100 Goblin Warlock
((I can try holding the next store event on a different day as well. Typically weekends have been the best time to get people to attend though but if there is another day that usually works for you Khromie then please let me know ;D ))
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100 Goblin Warlock
((Tonight's the night!))
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100 Undead Priest
*scans her hand over the flyer*

"Booty Bay. Excellent. Should be plenty around who require a priestess for confession...or exorcism.

What to wear? My bathing suit went over swimmingly last eve..perhaps the white one..."

*clicks her teeth and wanders off toward Lordaeron*
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100 Goblin Warlock
((A big thanks to everyone who was able to make it last night! I had a lot of fun :D ))
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100 Undead Priest
I attempted to place an order with you via post.

There would appear to be some enchantment keeping me from sending it your way.

Please contact me at your earliest.

Sister C L O T T I A
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100 Goblin Warlock
((Clottia it sounds like the server name is the culprit there. I'm from Sisters of Elune so to send an in-game letter to me you'll need to address it to: Mormel-SistersofElune ))
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100 Gnome Priest
02/09/2015 04:17 PMPosted by Clottia
I attempted to place an order with you via post.

There would appear to be some enchantment keeping me from sending it your way.

Please contact me at your earliest.

Sister C L O T T I A


If you have a note to send,
on which your life depends,
and you don't have anytime to spare!
To solve all your concerns,
you know where you can turn,
Anytime, Aaaaaanywhere!

*Hands over one voucher good for 10% off your first delivery with the AAMS*
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100 Goblin Warlock
A gnome!? In mah thread!?

*grabs nail bat*
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100 Orc Shaman
Wait wait! She signs Bralox cheques for first bank of Orgrimmar!

...No beating with the nail bat till after next pay period?
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100 Goblin Warlock
Fine... just let me know when the check clears m'kay?
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100 Orc Shaman
Bralox thinking of setting up direct deposit. Easier for on the road expenses.

There some things gold cant' buy..

For everything else, there Orccard.
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