Thinking of starting an RP toon here

81 Troll Hunter
Hello CC.

I played this server from Vanilla-Wrath and I regret transferring off to WRA. That server has a lot of RP, but the community is just not a fit for me, and I've never been able to find a guild I felt a part of like I had on CC. Admittedly, I was discouraged by the shrinking RP community on CC and the fact many of my friends had left the game, and bought into the "last bastion of RP" WRA hype. So, at the start of Cata, I went there.


Anyway. Depending on the guilds that are still active, I could roll either a Horde or Alliance character - I like aspects of both, so it doesn't really matter to me which faction I end up on. If I roll Alliance, I'd likely go either Draenei or Nelf, and if Horde I'd probably go Troll or Forsaken.

I'd love to find a nice home here again. My play time has been reduced greatly from "the old days" due to having a 2 year old daughter that keeps me busy from morning till sundown. I get 2-3 hours to play an evening, after 7pm EST. I'm not a hardcore raider (at all) due to RL commitments, and I'm a very slow leveler for the same reason. I'd be starting from almost scratch here (I have heirlooms and might transfer one mule here for bags and a little gold nest egg, but that's it - no high level). But I'd love to do some RP, time allowing, and just enjoy the game with a laid back group of people that aren't focused on popularity contests and ERP hook-ups.

Anything still like that here on CC in the RP community, either faction?

Thanks in advance.
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100 Draenei Warrior
Roll playing on Cenarion Circle is an immersive commitment. I have visited other Roll playing realms, finding bits of pieces of what you will find on Cenarion Circle, but on Cenarion Circle you get the whole package. On both Alliance and Horde you step in to stories and plots that are not here and gone in an hour. Many things have been going on for years, spawning side plots and stories, and new plots are welcome. Cross faction interaction through translations via a neutral guild called AAMS is available and used. It really depends on how much time you wish to involve yourself.

Both Alliance and Horde on Cenarion Circle have weekly events where you can observe the current on goings, to get your feet wet, before jumping into something. Both Alliance and Horde have their own in character and out of character chat channels so you can introduce yourself...

You won’t see RP being spammed in the general channels, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t very active and going on right under your nose.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the quality of RP you find here. Hope to see you and welcome.
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100 Gnome Priest
Welcome back home Suldan! :D *confetti*

Noikona posted a really good link about chat channels, several of which I didn't know existed (since I hadn't read it myself).

I'll 'ditto' everything she said above.
RP here on either side is healthy, though I'm sure nothing like what you may be use to in that other place. We're fairly tight knit, supportive of each other, and very welcoming. Admittedly hordeside is a little thinner than allyside, but don't let that discourage you. There are several talented/wonderful characters in the red.

Certainly join at least the ooc channel (which ever side you're on) and say hello, introduce yourself, and chat a while. There are guilds and stories a plenty for you to sift through and find a place you feel most comfortable.

/join allianceooc
/join hordeooc

The hours you mentioned should be about the start of our more active hours (which I'd say is between 4 & 8pm server) ...assuming I converted the timezones correctly (7pm est = 4pm pst). Alliance side the Blue Recluse in Stormwind is usually a good spot for casual random RP encounters.

I hope to see you around :)

Conclave's doors are open!
05/26/2013 12:40 PMPosted by Genevra
Scholars, scribes, seekers of truth and defenders of knowledge all knowledge. Our numbers include those who are looking for their own personal answers, treasure hunters, librarians, historians, and anyone who feels a need to ensure that the pursuit of knowledge is never forgotten.
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81 Troll Hunter
Thanks all for the replies. I'll check out those chat channels tonight when I get a chance to hop into game. I sure remember the AAMS folks and am glad to hear they're still around. I'll also take a peek at the Conclave thread when I get a chance, too. Would you say the RP guilds left on the server are fairly active?
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100 Goblin Warlock
Noikona and Cail did a good job filling you in on the status of RP here and I encourage you to visit some events for both factions to get a feel for our community. I do want to reemphasize that the pace of RP here is not like the larger RP servers. Small RP sessions scheduled on the side occur all the time but it is really important to become integrated into the RP community first by attending the weekly events. Otherwise it might seem like not a lot is happening when, in fact, it is.

Now to answer your question about the RP guilds they are still active but while the majority of events often are hosted by a guild they are not limited to them. Thus it is very common for events to be attended by people from a many different guilds and for strong friendships to be formed across guild lines. It is also through these personal connections that many "side" RP sessions and story arcs are given life.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
AAMS is actually hosting Lounge Horde-side this evening at seven server in Hardwrench Hideaway. :D

I have an eighteen month old dude who keeps me pretty busy, so I understand entirely how time works on a parent's schedule. :D We'll be happy to have another face on CC to play with us!
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100 Human Warrior
Roll playing .

How many times must I tell you? Bread is not a race.

But I second what others have said, attend some of the events.
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