672 Resto Druid just needing a home

85 Human Mage
Moved away from a high pop PvE server and decided to come back home to CC.

My current experience is 7/7H and 1/7M with twins @ 20ish%. (Rarely a victim of any Blaze damage/nor pulverize issues. Stuck on progression due to other raiders not improving on mechanics)

That's besides the point.

I mainly came back to CC since I wont be able to make the original raids weekend schedule and wanted to move more into the weekdays. I could've joined any other guild on the server, but decided to move back here because I also wanted to immerse myself back into the RP scene as well every now and then.

Originally raided on this server since 2004. (A few guilds like Royal Guard Regiment, The Knights of Kalimdor, Phoenix, From the Ashes, Paradise Lost [kinda short lived since spots were closed for Mythic pre-WoD])

I'll be changing my secondary spec back to Guardian because dps just really isn't my thing. My Guardian setup is currently ilvl 667.

Anyways, here's my Armory and thanks for the peek. (I have no quarrel with helping guilds that are 2/7 H or anything, I love helping out).


Feel free to contact me @ Touhou#1417
Edited by Mokou on 1/28/2015 4:43 AM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Youre always welcome here.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Mokou and CoK together again!
Edited by Amaelalin on 1/29/2015 12:31 AM PST
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100 Worgen Druid
01/29/2015 12:29 AMPosted by Amaelalin
Mokou and CoK together again!

Psh, my Mage has always been in the guild for the longest time. =)
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100 Worgen Druid
Found my home, but still seeking a guild that needs a resto druid for Mythic Progression.
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100 Tauren Warrior
Guild Name: Exilès
Realm: US - Bleeding Hollow [H]
Website: http://exiles-bh.shivtr.com
Progression: 3/7M Highmaul - 8/10H BRF
Battle-tag: Tondo - Brownfartbox#1190, Mondkross - Montross#1591

<Exilès> is an experienced raiding guild that has a long history of downing content. We have raided since every tier since ICC and have been competitive every tier.

Our goals are to be successful and to down content in a competitive amount of time. We raid 12 hours per week which is far less than other more "hardcore" guilds.

We aim to make the time we spend in raid count.

Classes Desired:
We have one dps position, one heal position available. We're considering the classes listed below but any exceptional player is welcome to apply regardless of what is listed below.

665+ ilvl -

1 Shadow Priest (High Priority)
1 Mage
1 Warlock (High Priority)
1 Resto Druid (High Priority)
1 Elemental Shaman

Guild site: exiles-bh.shivtr.com

Raid Times:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
8:30pm-12:30am EST

Listed below is what we are looking for in an applicant:
You need to care about ranks - both for yourself and the guild. We need everyone to minmax and push their character to the limit.
You are able to maintain near 100% attendance. We do not have back-ups for every position. Aside from emergencies, we need everyone to show up.
You must be able to use mumble and a microphone.
You must be actually good at mechanics. I don't need raiders that have to wait for a callout to step out of a fire wave.

If you are interested in joining or have any questions please add us.
Tondo - Brownfartbox#1190
Mondkross - Montross#1591
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100 Gnome Mage
Paradise Lost is looking for raiders for our progression group, backup tanks are highly desired as well as Healers. I wasn't personally around when you were first here so not sure if you left on great terms. We raid tue/wed/thu 7-10 PM server
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100 Worgen Druid
02/19/2015 11:37 AMPosted by Eydís
Paradise Lost is looking for raiders for our progression group, backup tanks are highly desired as well as Healers. I wasn't personally around when you were first here so not sure if you left on great terms. We raid tue/wed/thu 7-10 PM server

Wasn't on any bad terms, at the time I was speaking with Malikath.

Only reason I left was because there was zero spots for the raid group open, so I had no reason to stay and I really didn't want to be a back up. I would try to apply, but sadly those raid times wouldn't work for me living in the Central time zone. I'd be getting off work at 7 PST, and the military is pretty inconsistent with being off on time.
Edited by Fhalmira on 2/20/2015 10:06 AM PST
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