3 sentence RP stories

Epic sagas are great, but there's something to be said for brevity and mood, so....

I'd been doing this forever it seemed.
I had to stop today though.
I guess there IS such a thing as "a bad time for hysterical laughter".

now gimme some sugar! (Or stories, I'd prefer stories really, tauren and sugar...it's..not good)
Edited by Plainswander on 1/7/2015 4:23 PM PST
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Legendary, the Elvin lifespan.
Black suit and flowers for the stones bearing their names.
Happy birthday to me.
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100 Night Elf Death Knight
I decided to leave Azeroth behind and make my home on the new Draenor.

There are those who say that I cannot, for it is not the same place.

Perhaps not...but I believe you can come home again.
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100 Goblin Warlock
The Gender Bender 3000xt energy drink was supposed to revolutionize the world.

It was supposed to be my golden goose.

But all it has done is allow a select few to live out their fantasies.
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94 Blood Elf Priest
They say that the Light illuminates and reveals all things.

They say that the Shadow obscures the truth.

Neither will matter when I gouge out their eyes.
Edited by Malthaes on 1/8/2015 8:53 AM PST
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Everyone loves them.
Everyone eats them.
It's a good thing nobody stops to think where Moonkin Omelettes really come from.
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100 Draenei Warrior
I’ve laid in this bed for near three weeks, yet the burns still cover me.

I had only thought to punt the gnome a few paces.

It was only after I came to, the doctors told me gnomes aren't green.
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80 Undead Mage
Dark Lady this, Dark Lady that, all glory to her Deathly Ways blah blah blah.
Everyone thinks we're so loyal, they just don't get it.
If you want to know the real reason, then let me tell you about Koltira.
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94 Human Mage
Dark Portal looks pretty ominous.

I think I'll stay here.

Who wants mana cakes?
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Stacks of books and scrolls still waited in the Library archives, none of them properly indexed or catalogued. If Arjah worked very hard and promoted them tirelessly, perhaps half a dozen to a dozen people might drop by the next Salon to take a glance before heading back to their garrisons. It would have been so much easier to die young and beautiful.
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100 Gnome Priest
Take a drink and bait my hook.
Find a cozy patch to sit and cast out my line.
Kick back and wait...

....zzzzzz *snore*
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I never knew it was this hard to evict a goblin.
If I wasn't 100% sure they'd already been infiltrated and corrupted by the little green bastards, I'd start arming the AAMS.
Guess I'll just have to do this the old fashioned way.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Tauren can be so uptight at times.

They just need to learn to kick back and unwind.

Maybe a good burger will ease their mind?
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01/13/2015 07:05 AMPosted by Mormel
Maybe a good burger will ease their mind?

((touché...:D...well played))

You can fry 'em, you can punt 'em, you can crush 'em, you can even 'splode 'em real good.
But the one thing, the ONE stinkin' thing about goblins is.....they will always come back.
Who knew you could build up an immunity to destruction?
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100 Tauren Hunter
The eggs finally hatched.

Who knew they would take to their training so well.

Hey...has anyone seen my N.U.K.U.L.A.R target painter?.
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100 Human Warlock
Stabbity stabbity stab goes the knife.

Paint the head a nice cherry red.

Now to pour chocolate on the paladin.
Edited by Ardam on 1/13/2015 11:18 AM PST
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97 Blood Elf Priest
The hush in the air, the tickle in your spine; that numb instinct that warns you are not alone.

That's me.

It is the last you will ever feel.
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100 Goblin Warlock
01/13/2015 09:22 AMPosted by Plainswander
01/13/2015 07:05 AMPosted by Mormel
Maybe a good burger will ease their mind?

((touché...:D...well played))

((Thanks :3 ))
Edited by Mormel on 1/14/2015 7:13 PM PST
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