Hows the Troll rp community?

94 Troll Hunter
Hello CC!

I am just looking through some other servers to see how the troll community is around. On my server there's only one troll rp guild that hasn't died after a few months and it isn't exactly my cup of tea. (They have great storylines, but it just was not for me.)

So are there any tribal or troll guilds, or maybe non guild groups of trolls who hang out? Is there interest in something like that?
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I don't think there's any specific guild set up as a troll tribe (single-race RP guilds tend to have trouble maintaining a big enough membership to ever have more than a couple people on at one time), but Arjah bumps into at least one other troll at most RP events. And from time to time we'll have bouts of troll-flavored RP, either as events or storylines.

<The Royal Library> is currently wrestling with having its first troll in charge of a Silvermoon-based establishment, which has lots of nice trollish flavors to the RP, although I'm so busy IRL that it's not really a major, daily feature of anyone's life. Still, linky-linky:
Edited by Arjah on 1/12/2015 11:57 AM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
As Arjah pointed out racial guilds have a difficult time surviving on CC/SoE because of our smaller community. In fact active RPers themselves tend to come from a variety of different races/guilds and our events are can be pretty diverse as a result. There are certainly Troll RPers around though and it would be possible to simply schedule RP with them to hang out and do... whatever it is Trolls do with one another.

The only catch though is that while we are friendly we are also close knit. It will be easier to schedule Troll RP events after you've been involved with our community for a while and formed both IC and OOC friendships with other Troll RPers. Thus I recommend spending time attending our events (I recommend the AAMS Lounge at Hardwrench Hideaway 7pm Saturdays) and even talking with people in the HordeOOC chat channel if you decide to make a test alt.
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