Cross Realm Zones for RP Events

Looking for a little help here after some fairly fruitless Googling around: does anyone know how to find out

A) which of our zones (as Cenarion Circle native characters) are shared by players from other servers, and

B) which servers we share those zones with?

I know we're connected with Sisters of Elune, which I think means that we share all zones seamlessly and are, in effect, one big server, right?

But then I also see people from other servers running around Silvermoon and Orgrimmar, and from even more servers out in the leveling zones in the old world, and I don't really have an idea where the boundaries are that will make those people vanish instantly, or make me vanish from their world.

Anyone have any idea how to find out? I'd like to do some of The Royal Library RP events out in the world where roleplayers from other servers can watch and participate, and I'd like to advertise the Silvermoon events to all the servers that have access to our Silvermoon, but I really don't have any idea how to find out which servers share which zones.
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100 Gnome Priest
Here is what my bit of google searching has uncovered:

Cross-Realm Zone Info:
Certain zones will not be affected by the feature, including:

    Stormwind City1,2
    Tol Barad
    All of Draenor1

1)However, if players are grouped together from different realms and travel into the area, they will appear in the party leader's realm version of said area.
  • I experienced this while camping the rare Poundfist. I was the raid leader so everyone that joined was zoned into CC. If at any time I swapped lead to a player of a different realm it would have shifted that entire raid into the leader's realm.
  • 2)Brawler's Guild arenas in Orgrimmar and Stormwind are cross-realm.

    More Info on CRZs Here:

    [US] List: Cross-Realm Servers Groups and Connected Realms
      Cenarion Circle (PST)
      Sisters of Elune (CST)

      *Feathermoon (PST)
      *Scarlet Crusade (CST)
      Blackwater Raiders (PST)
      Shadow Council (MST)
      Farstriders (CST)
      Silver Hand (PST)
      Thorium Brotherhood (CST)
      *Moon Guard (CST) A
      *Wyrmcrest Accord (PST)

  • Here it gets a little difficult to see at a glance b/c the connected realms were originally color coded alike. For our sake however I'll just BOLD our two connected realms. These two realms are fully connected. They remain physically separate servers yet are connected such that they share the same world space.
    This also lists all the realms which share CRZ's (cross-realm zones).

    I hope this helps! :)

    Edited by Caileanmor on 2/1/2015 12:45 AM PST
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    100 Goblin Warlock
    It used to be a lot simpler in the months just prior to WoD. At that time CC and SoE are merged (after a very long and painful delay) while being CRZed with WrA, MG, and BWR. Now though things are a lot more complicated since we share the CRZ of some zones with only certain realms and vice versa. Goldshire for example (unless this has changed recently) is no longer connected to MG for us.

    Really though the most important thing to know is that CC and SoE are one server for all purposes now. We share the same economy, same server time, same zones, can join the same guilds ect...
    Reply Quote
    Thanks muchly, Caileanmor -- that list of servers with access to our CRZs is exactly what I was looking for (though, as you say, it doesn't seem to always be quite that neat). I'll try to find a spot that plays nicely with all of them if I'm ever looking to do a large, publicly-accessible Library event.
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