A lot of folks have been throwing the idea around for a while of trying to find a place for the Horde folks that would be similar to the Blue Recluse for the Alliance--a place to just go and RP, assuming people are there. Before Garrosh made a mess of everything, we used to use the Wyvern's Tail, the pub-like place in the Valley of Honor. Once Orgrimmar was under lockdown, it became slightly inconvenient to do things in Orgrimmar proper, so we branched out, favouring weekly scheduled events instead of the walk-up format.
So, in an effort to get our walk-up RP up and going again, let's see if we can revive the Wyvern's Tail. Since it's in Org, we don't have to contend with other realms accidentally usurping our space, and it's fairly central, and fairly easy, for folks of any level to get to. Some of the leaders of some of the RP guilds are going to try to hang out there more often to open up the opportunities for walk-up RP, but if you're in the mood, feel free to let folks in HordeOOC know that you're heading there for a drink/meal/nap/recreational activity.
We'll be waiting for you! (Hopefully! We don't leave lights on, though; that's a waste of firewood.)
So, in an effort to get our walk-up RP up and going again, let's see if we can revive the Wyvern's Tail. Since it's in Org, we don't have to contend with other realms accidentally usurping our space, and it's fairly central, and fairly easy, for folks of any level to get to. Some of the leaders of some of the RP guilds are going to try to hang out there more often to open up the opportunities for walk-up RP, but if you're in the mood, feel free to let folks in HordeOOC know that you're heading there for a drink/meal/nap/recreational activity.
We'll be waiting for you! (Hopefully! We don't leave lights on, though; that's a waste of firewood.)