[H] Walk-up RP

100 Tauren Shaman
A lot of folks have been throwing the idea around for a while of trying to find a place for the Horde folks that would be similar to the Blue Recluse for the Alliance--a place to just go and RP, assuming people are there. Before Garrosh made a mess of everything, we used to use the Wyvern's Tail, the pub-like place in the Valley of Honor. Once Orgrimmar was under lockdown, it became slightly inconvenient to do things in Orgrimmar proper, so we branched out, favouring weekly scheduled events instead of the walk-up format.

So, in an effort to get our walk-up RP up and going again, let's see if we can revive the Wyvern's Tail. Since it's in Org, we don't have to contend with other realms accidentally usurping our space, and it's fairly central, and fairly easy, for folks of any level to get to. Some of the leaders of some of the RP guilds are going to try to hang out there more often to open up the opportunities for walk-up RP, but if you're in the mood, feel free to let folks in HordeOOC know that you're heading there for a drink/meal/nap/recreational activity.

We'll be waiting for you! (Hopefully! We don't leave lights on, though; that's a waste of firewood.)
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I love this idea and will certainly be making use of it. :)

Just a thought: To get things going, perhaps come up with a specific night (just at first, hopefully it would get things started). Perhaps right before or after one of the other events that we have scheduled. For example, just after Da Doctas' clinic on Tuesdays.
Edited by Azheira on 2/8/2015 6:53 PM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
I love it! Of course if we try pushing this forward on Tuesdays that... complicates things because of PVP Night. I might have to try rescheduling that event but we'll see.

Anyway, maybe we should hold Horde karaoke there the first few times :3
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Did someone say...Horde karaoke?!

Server people
Livin' just to spam /emotions
Typing somewhere in the niiiiiiiiiight

Hold on to the FEEEEEEELING
Server people
Don't stop arpeeing
Type on
Server people
Don't stop arpeeing!

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100 Blood Elf Paladin
<Genuflects> We're not worthy, O great Arjah!

02/09/2015 08:02 AMPosted by Mormel
Of course if we try pushing this forward on Tuesdays

Well, I didn't mean that it always had to be on Tuesdays. That idea was just to get things started. I would really like to see this be a thing on other nights as well as per Thaettir's original post.

Although, frankly, I don't personally care for Orgrimmar and would prefer UC. BUT! The idea is to get RP going on the red side, and I am -all- for that.
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On a more practical note, people should be sure to say something in /hordeooc when they're hanging out and looking for RP. A quick "Gonna be at the Wyvern's Tail if anyone wants to come RP" in the channel is super helpful!

An in-character mention (or an emoted muffled belch, whatever) in the /hearthstone channel can't hurt either.
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100 Goblin Shaman
I remember fondly the days when Kezrin and Myzzi would stand outside the Wyvern's Tail and try to get rid of as many cats as possible to whoever was walking by. /nostalgia.

From an IC standpoint, the AAMS Orgimmar office has been stated to be in the Valley of Honor, so AAMsers have an excuse to be in the area. :) I intend to spend more time there in the future.

Of course, nothing is stopping anyone from saying, "I'm going to go hang out in UC if anyone wants to RP," as well, for those who'd rather stir something up there! The heart of the issue is more about doing some more open world RP and connecting with people again.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Too bad Pre-Cata Brill is gone. I liked hanging out there...

However another good potential hangout spot is Bilgewater Harbor (not the Pleasure Palace though). Lots of nice details and locals there which are usually empty of other RPers.

Still the tavern in Org is the best place to focus.
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One lesson I learned with the Caer Darrow Renewal Project (back a dog's age ago) is that you can't get too inconvenient or people just don't show up. The more central the hangout, the better! And for the non-mages among us, Org is probably as central as it gets.
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100 Orc Warlock
This is all good to hear. I've been meaning to spending a little more time in the red.
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