Hearts' Light Celebration! (Event!)

100 Draenei Shaman
The cities of the Alliance seem abruptly inundated with flyers. They are plastered on doors, walls, window shutters, and even a horse that wasn't moving fast enough that day. Witnesses indicate that it was a draenei-shaped blur what done it.

Below an actually well-drawn rose inside a simple heart shape is written the following:

Heart's Light Celebration!

Thursday, February 12, beginning at 5 pm ((server time))

At the courtyard outside the Exodar's main gate, all members of the Alliance are welcome to come together and experience a yearly tradition from another world: a celebration of love not only romantic, but familial, friendly, and charitable.

Come to exchange sweets and gifts, to resolve and forgive differences with old rivals, to shine the light of love on one another and receive it in yourselves!

You may contact Miraala for more details, if you should need them. See you there!

***This event is proudly sponsored by Wyzie's Whimsies! Wyzie's, for all your party needs!***

((OOC Details: This event I'm planning is intended to help anyone who needs it to get [They Really Love Me!]--an achievement that requires one have 50 stacks from the Manufactured Love Prism active simultaneously--and to do it in-character. Let's not do this by halves.

((Given what we're about, I ask that everyone who would like to attend bring one of the Love Prisms, as fully-charged as you can. I would also like to encourage people to exchange items that will help accomplish other achievements (like the heart candies and boxed candies). I'll be providing the refreshments and making a boring speech or two, but don't let that stop you from throwing in however you can!

((Also, non-RPers are completely welcome to join in to get the achievement, as long as they don't mind us being us!

((We'll start zapping one another at 6 pm server time; the first hour is for mix-and-mingle, and RP enjoyment. Also, I know you folks can't help but be fashionably late. :-)

((Hope to see you there! Come shine some love on your fellow WoW gamers!))
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100 Gnome Priest
((I love this idea!))
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100 Draenei Mage
(( I joined a group finder custom group for this and it took at -very- long time. It requires a lot of coordination and if people don't do what they are supposed to, the stacks will drop. You probably already know this but I thought I'd give a heads up :P I'll try to stick around with my measly 9 charges, but the surrounding RP event also sounds fun. ))
Edited by Zaranae on 2/10/2015 12:05 PM PST
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