Conclave Celebrates 5 years [A-March Events]

100 Human Paladin
March 9th is Conclave's 5 year Guildaversary and every year we try to do something to commemorate this event.

This year we will be holding events throughout the month of March; 5 events to be precise. These events will take place of the sermons on Wednesday night for March. These events and contests are open to the server. All events take place at 6pm server. Food and drink will be provided for all events.

March 4 - Foam Sword Fight
Location: Northshire Abbey Training Grounds.

Come test your mettle against other expert foam swordsmen and women.
Prize to the victor: 15 Savage Bloods

March 11 - Lottery
Location: Northshire Abbey Main Hall

Enter the Conclave lottery, all that is needed is a book to get your name in the drawing for a Servant of Demidos pet and several (number unknown but is exorberant) 16 slot bags.

One entry per person unless the book brought is one that we do not already have, in which case you would receive 2 entries.

March 18 - Poetry contest
Location: Northshire Abbey Main Hall

The theme of this contest is knowledge or wisdom. Bring your original poem to share with everyone.

Prize to the winning poet: Mystic Runesaber Mount

March 25 - Scholarly Transmog Contest. Bring your most scholarly attire for a chance to win.
Location: Northshire Abbey Main Hall

Prize: Conclave guild shirt - become an honorary Conclave member (in the event that you are a member with a shirt and win, another prize will be offered). The shirt can be viewed here: This is a customed ordered shirt to your size with your character's name on the back.
Edited by Genevra on 3/25/2015 6:29 PM PDT
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100 Dwarf Mage
Oh me stars! Has it really been five years since me Matron founded Conclave? And it looks like there is going to be quite a string of events to boot. I wonder if they be needing me to bring some of me donuts to a few?

*starts circling dates on her calendar*
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100 Gnome Priest
Slowly rolls the announcement scroll back around its wooden stave. The old gnome sat back heavily in his comfortable padded seat, deep in thought.

This was obviously good news. Great news. Many a productive and exciting year had passed since Conclave was founded. There needed to be a celebration marking all of their accomplishments. A time for everyone acquainted with our order to gather together as friends and companions to share tales, play games, and socialize with a drink or two. The long gray frizzled whiskers of the old gnome's mustache curled slightly with his grin.

A month full of events and gatherings.

He handed the rolled scroll back to the acolyte standing patiently at the end of the table. Stroking his wild unruly grayed beard the old gnome glanced around the large archival chamber of his order, one of several such chambers, and noted how a mess things were. Largely his own doing really. A causality of his ongoing research and planning of expeditions to come. Taking in the disarray of the chamber his mind skipped to the libraries of the abbey above, which were in an equally disconcerting condition.

"Gather the other acolytes, librarians, and scholars in the upper hall of the North Wing." He mumbled up to the acolyte standing nearby, half in thought. "We need an organized effort to get these libraries back into a presentable order if we're to be having guests soon."

The grin faded at the thought of the monumental task ahead of him. However, the excitement of the games and gatherings to come never did.
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100 Undead Warrior
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100 Human Paladin
Oh no. A wild Abominus appears. Will there be a surprise? Also don't forget tomorrow is our first event!
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100 Human Paladin
Thank you all who have come the last two weeks. Bring your original poem on Wednesday!
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100 Human Paladin
Join us in a little over an hour for our Poetry contest
Location: Northshire Abbey Main Hall

The theme of this contest is knowledge or wisdom. Bring your original poem to share with everyone.

Prize to the winning poet: Mystic Runesaber Mount (yes this mount is not yet released but you will be one of the first to get it when it is!)
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100 Human Paladin
Just a reminder that our last event is tonight.

March 25 - Scholarly Transmog Contest. Bring your most scholarly attire for a chance to win.
Location: Northshire Abbey Main Hall

Prize: Conclave guild shirt - become an honorary Conclave member (in the event that you are a member with a shirt and win, another prize will be offered). The shirt can be viewed here: This is a customed ordered shirt to your size with your character's name on the back.
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100 Human Paladin
Thank you to everyone who came out all month to help us celebrate. We look forward to many more years here on CC/SoE.

The Light and You will return next Wednesday at it's usual time and location.
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