Paradise Lost

100 Gnome Mage
Paradise Lost
the top ranking Alliance guild on CC
Progression: 2/7M Highmaul - 7/10H BRF

Our goals are to down content in a competitive amount of time and have a blast. We raid much less than many hardcore guilds. While we have an eye for pushing content, we also like to joke and have fun while doing it.

Classes we are seeking include DPS with tank/heal off specs, Healers, and DPS

Shadow Priest (High Priority)
Resto Druid (High Priority)
Holy Paladin (High priority)
Elemental Shaman
Guardian/Feral druid

Raid Times:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
7:00-10:00 PM PST

You are able to maintain near 100% attendance. We do not have back-ups for every position. Aside from emergencies, we need everyone to show up.
You must be able to use vent and a microphone.
We expect our raiders to know fight mechanics, and to master all of them.
Item level above 660 is preferred, but not necessarily mandatory as long as you can prove competent raiding history.

If you are interested in becoming a Paradise Lost Raider, feel free to message myself, Mythic, or Opsham for more information.
Please note that we are attempting to get a more casual run going in addition to our Mythic raid, so if you are interested in raiding at all, and have normal raiding experience feel free to contact us.
Edited by Eydís on 2/19/2015 12:35 PM PST
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100 Human Warlock
02/19/2015 12:34 PMPosted by Eydís
Paradise Lost
the top ranking Alliance guild on CC

The day simply being a raider makes you the top ranking ANYTHING on Cenarion Circle is the day I hang up my udders.

And splitting from another guild because of in-fighting certainly nullifies any chances of being top of anything when you've been around less than a year.
Edited by Ardam on 2/19/2015 1:03 PM PST
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100 Gnome Mage
Not sure what you are referencing, before my time I assume. I know that Paradise Lost is a very inclusive and active guild now, and there is very little drama.

No need to belittle our achievements for slights committed in the past, perceived or otherwise. We understand the raiding environment on CC is not very competitive, but hope we can change that. If you aren't interested in joining our guilds progression raids please refrain from posting negatively. Thanks, and good luck to the Ocheliad.
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100 Draenei Shaman
Get Along you two.
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