Thinking Spring [RP Event]

100 Human Rogue
I would like to offer my services as the most impartial, unbiased judge of fashion. Specializing in utility, function, and subtlety.
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98 Night Elf Druid
sold, Arlston. not sure you'll need to worry about subtlety. it's a party, after all. they *want* to be flamboyant
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100 Human Rogue
How many knives can you hide in spaghetti straps?

Impress me.
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100 Undead Priest
Do not own a knife, but I do like tea. I shall endeavor to impress with my dancing tea leaves can can.
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98 Night Elf Druid
o.O What can of worms have I opened here?

Still need at least one more judge, just to make things run more smoothly. And a list of people who are participating for sure would be nice also.

If this goes well, I'll be planning out seasonal parties like this for the rest of the year.
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21 Blood Elf Rogue
Hi Bremmin,

Thanks for the info.
Is this your first event on this server like this before or do you have other events on other servers by your event make? ?

Please post pixs to Twitter for your event if you can. We will follow your events and hope you follow us as well.



Fashion Battles
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21 Blood Elf Rogue
event name*
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98 Night Elf Druid
Look, I appreciate your interest, but this event does not limit itself to the fashion contest. It's a celebration of Spring. There will also be a feast, pet battles, parades and co-mingling. This is not my first event, no, but it is the first of this magnitude I've organised.
If I post pictures, it will be because I'm enjoying myself and the event. If you want to "follow" something, come to the event. Don't follow it on Twitter. Come out to the Resort and be a part of the fun.
I'm certainly not interesting in pursuing anything fashion related, and I'm not sorry. There are limited looks and armors in WoW that make things incredibly predictable after a short while.
I'm more interested in gathering an active RP community together and having a good time for good times' sake.

Thank you for your interest. You should just come to the event.
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100 Draenei Paladin
Going out with my family tonight, but I really hope I can make at least part of this event! This looks awesome Bremmin!
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100 Undead Priest
*A dirty note in the Blue Recluse - stuck with a piece of gum to the body of the Bartender*

Alliance *crossed out - Boors -* Merrymakers,

Had a wonderful time. Thank you for providing such delectable morsels. So many delicious children to sniff and savor! It was my first time enjoying the scent of a blue cow baby. Absolutely delightful!!

I apologize for the problem communicating, though most people's intentions were clear and peaceful. *Off to the side of the page you see a stick figure of a man in black and a mask with two x's over his eyes and a long tongue hanging out of the mouth* Many smells were new to me, but a few I recognized. How I longed for poor Gentyl's. Could not find it in her sweet paladin heart to make a showing, eh? I am sure whatever she was doing must have been *very* important.

I did it for the Empress.

See you this summer if not sooner *crossed out - At the BR -*,
Sister Clottia

((Had fun. :) Had NO idea that place even existed until tonight. What a venue! Thank you so much for the xfaction invitation.))
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100 Human Warrior
Calent Miller returns to the barracks, humming to herself as she unlocks her door and closes it behind her. She unceremoniously flops onto her bed without bothering to so much as remove her shoes and curls around her pillow, tired, but smiling. She falls asleep within seconds.

((I had a good time at the event! Would have been lovely if more people had come, but good RPs were had, good food was et, and good pets were battled. And I looked FABULOUS.

Hope to see another event on the horizon!))

((Also I have a couple of screenies up on my twitter @CalentMiller Granted, they're all of me, but hey ;) ))
Edited by Calent on 3/20/2015 10:48 PM PDT
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