Chasing the edge of reality.

100 Human Rogue
Day 1:

Light but it's cold. Spent the day staring and running...staring some more. Noticed a few critters and threw mine at them. Passed time and eventually convinced that annoying worgen To let me expand.

Looked up from one of the battles to find myself being stared at by a giant boar. Ugly thing. He snorted at me...I stared at him...he snorted again and then we killed him. Somehow I ended up with a boar to ride out of this and a lack of bacon. Good for the boar, sad on the Bacon.

Day 2:

Still cold. I think my rear has frozen to the seat of my tiger's saddle. Edge of reality still does not exist. I repeat...reality does not exist.

Saw a paladin. Dwarven one at that. He was just sitting there staring till he saw me then he threw a rope around a clefthoof and took off. People are strange creatures.

Took a break to fish...and to thaw the cat. Mostly to thaw the cat. I don't think he appreciates my taking pictures of him as a statue. How to explain this one to Ketlan...

(Bit of a boredom killer while sitting around hoping to get lucky, feel free to chime in with your own hunts)
Edited by Kordrion on 3/11/2015 9:37 AM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
Day 3:

I spy an Alli wandering around the cold wastes. They seem to be looking for something... perhaps hunting for a rare spawn?

Day 4:

Spotted the Alli again. Definitely afk as a Frost Wolf NPC is attacking the chump and they are not fighting back. This also makes them flagged....

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