Alliance vs. Horde in the RP community

100 Night Elf Druid

I'm quite new to CEnarion Circle, and I've been taking an interest in it. If it works out, I'll most likely toss an alt or a fresh toon on here for actual involvement.

I learned that CC is very event-oriented, but the community itself is very friendly. That's all I have really discovered thus far. However, I do not know much about the population and the community in the two, individual factions. I'm going to assume it's fairly the same overall with different lore, races, traditions, guilds, people, etc. Are there differences when it comes to raiding and such? PvP?

I'm probably making it sound more divided than it already was with the natural game mechanics, so. I'll end it for now! Thank you, and have a great day.
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100 Goblin Shaman
I'm afraid I can't add much to this discussion as I don't raid on Horde, and thus don't pay much attention to what's going on this side in that regard.

If you've read other threads on this forum inquiring about Horde RP, you've probably noticed that we've said it's not vital to be part of a dedicated RP guild. Part of that reason is so that you can still be part of a raid/pvp guild and enjoys those perks (Easier to organize, achievements, guild bank, etc.) and not be excluded from the RP scene.

The opposite can be true, depending on the raid team's policy. I raid on Alliance without being a member of my team's guild, as my raid character is GL of a RP guild, and I know of several other raid teams that have mixed groups. I wouldn't expect hard-hitting progression or mythic teams to allow non-guildies, obviously.

We're also connected with Sisters of Elune, and if you look at their forum, there's a fair number of recruitment posts so you can what what guilds are currently active. CC has those threads, too, but they're more likely to get pushed off the front page by RP posts. :)
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100 Goblin Warlock
The Horde will crush the Alliance! We'll snap their spines and impale their puny skulls upon pikes at the gates of our fortresses! The dynasty of Wrynn shall fall and all will kn-

*reread OP*

Oh! Ohhhhh! It's not one of "those" Alliance vs Horde threads.


Anyway I can't comment on raiding for either faction. As far as PVP is concerned all the people I know of that do RBGs have formed cross-realm networks. I think there is a guild here and there for both sides that are PVP oriented but I'm honestly not sure of how active they are. I try hosting a weekly casual PVP Night Alli side but I also regularly pair up with people Horde side.

In other words if you just want company for PVP then there are people available in both factions on CC/SoE but if you are interested in cutting edge rated play then you will most likely have to form teams with people from other servers.
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100 Human Rogue
I hunt Sin'dorei daily.


I'm not kidding.

Yes. I am single.

No. You can't be as awesome as me.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
03/05/2015 01:25 PMPosted by Arlston
I hunt Sin'dorei daily.


I'm not kidding.

Yes. I am single.

No. You can't be as awesome as me.

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100 Dwarf Mage
03/05/2015 01:25 PMPosted by Arlston
I hunt Sin'dorei daily.

Oh me stars! Why would anyone to want to slay those poor Sin'dorei!? Just dreadful!
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100 Night Elf Druid
Thanks for your replies! Hooray for misleading titles too.

It's great to hear it's possible to be a raider, but still RP. I understand that more "hard-hitting" progression and mythic guilds will not be open to non-guildies, but I'm pretty casual considering I'm already committed to one raid guild already! I'm more likely to join a RP guild if anything unless I can still get some RP even if I somehow end up raiding on two toons. Of course, here's to hoping for PuGs too.

I'm glad to hear there are folks on the merged realms doing PvP. If anything, I'm more likely to do arenas for easy conquest points, whoops. I'd love to do RBGs someday too, but if it means doing cross-realm, so be it.

I'll go look around on the realm, and the forums ^^
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100 Human Rogue
03/05/2015 02:20 PMPosted by Ketiron

C'mere sparkles.

Time for a very close shave.
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100 Undead Warrior
Did you pay your guild feesss for ssshaving anyone, Arlssston, yesss?

*unleashes 1 billion angry Tapeworms of Lawyering and Copyright Infringement upon the human*
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