your "Plausible" dream RP

100 Orc Warrior
Here is a question im sure all RPers, or even day dreamers who play wow would have a answer for.
What is your dream RP scenario? my only request is it be somewhat in the realm of plausibility as in not breaking game mechanics. Here is mine for Kroms

My dream rp would have to take place around an alliance raid on orgrimmar, or pay off a alliance rp/pvp guild to kill Vol'jin, after wich point Krom (in his horde tier 9, but with no helm, grunts chest piece and shoulders of manoroth) walk in with a group rping as his generals and small army, and Krom claims the mantle of warchief of the horde! after wich point krom and those who are in his group rp in the thrown room about how their gonna run the place until Vol'jin respawns at wich point another group or rpers enter the thrown room accusing Krom of treason, and possibly assassintion attempt on voljin if they can prove he paid off the alliance, then krom and crew are either escorted off, or we make a run for it with some duels, then the side that chased krom and crew off can celebrate that they saved the horde, and vol'jin is still alive.

Thats my dream rp for krom, whats yours?
Edited by Kròm on 3/18/2015 12:43 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I would have to say something where I could effectively put forensic accounting to use.
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100 Goblin Warlock
ERPing with Iceia.


Er... did I just say that out loud?

Uh... I mean... ah... a store sale where I can make lots of real gold. Yeah. That.
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100 Human Rogue
03/18/2015 08:05 PMPosted by Mormel
ERPing with Iceia.


Er... did I just say that out loud?

Uh... I mean... ah... a store sale where I can make lots of real gold. Yeah. That.

Here I thought your dream RP would be Mormel and Sir Oarwind sailing off into the sunset after a lavish wedding...where of course he drowns and leaves Mormel heaps and heaps of gold that he had stashed who knows where.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
03/19/2015 03:11 PMPosted by Kordrion
Here I thought your dream RP would be Mormel and Sir Oarwind sailing off into the sunset after a lavish wedding...where of course he drowns and leaves Mormel heaps and heaps of gold that he had stashed who knows where.

And then was arrested for tax fraud.
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100 Goblin Warlock
03/19/2015 03:11 PMPosted by Kordrion
Here I thought your dream RP would be Mormel and Sir Oarwind sailing off into the sunset after a lavish wedding...where of course he drowns and leaves Mormel heaps and heaps of gold that he had stashed who knows where.

Well that is obviously my second dream RP. It's just... Icy owes me 832 ERP sessions and that number grows by the day. He just refuses to pay me what's mine >:(

03/19/2015 03:31 PMPosted by Ketiron
And then was arrested for tax fraud.

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100 Blood Elf Paladin
03/19/2015 06:15 PMPosted by Mormel
03/19/2015 03:11 PMPosted by Kordrion
Here I thought your dream RP would be Mormel and Sir Oarwind sailing off into the sunset after a lavish wedding...where of course he drowns and leaves Mormel heaps and heaps of gold that he had stashed who knows where.

Well that is obviously my second dream RP. It's just... Icy owes me 832 ERP sessions and that number grows by the day. He just refuses to pay me what's mine >:(

Well, for one, you need to start it up. You have my battletag. Secondly, you would need to convice Iceia to cheat on his current mate. Thirdly, you REALLY should buy Iceia dinner first.
Edited by Iceia on 3/20/2015 12:25 AM PDT
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100 Draenei Warrior
03/18/2015 08:05 PMPosted by Mormel
ERPing with Iceia.


Er... did I just say that out loud?

Uh... I mean... ah... a store sale where I can make lots of real gold. Yeah. That.

((Congratulations Mormel, you made me spill my coffee >.>))
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100 Goblin Warlock
03/20/2015 12:24 AMPosted by Iceia
Well, for one, you need to start it up. You have my battletag. Secondly, you would need to convice Iceia to cheat on his current mate. Thirdly, you REALLY should buy Iceia dinner first.

1) You want us to have an ERP session via B ID announcements? My how risque of you! :3

2) I've been trying to do that for like... a year now. Stupid goody two hooves elf space goat... thing <_<

3) Dinners are expensive! Can't I just buy Iceia a 99 copper soft drink instead?

03/20/2015 07:04 AMPosted by Noikona
((Congratulations Mormel, you made me spill my coffee >.>))

((Sorry about that <.< I'll make Rhazin pay for any damages.))
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100 Undead Priest
*Scurries around to fix her SELFIE cam and quickly pens an advert*


Needed: 1 device that can do a little GMPS at any time (Global Mormel Positioning System), 1 device that can enhance my SELFIE to a VIDDIE and 1 device manufactured that I'm calling the C.R.I.C.K.E.T (Cries Read in Current Kiki Erotich Time).

Contact Clottia immediately. Gold will be paid to the best inventor.
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100 Human Rogue
Actually being able to have in-game representations of all the freaking notes I've taken of characters.

It'd be cases. Also tracking devices. Where I can plant them on people.
I'd love to RP actually stalking really, like 24/7 and catalog someone's life.
Edited by Arlston on 3/20/2015 2:05 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
03/20/2015 02:00 PMPosted by Arlston
Actually being able to have in-game representations of all the freaking notes I've taken of characters.

It'd be cases. Also tracking devices. Where I can plant them on people.
I'd love to RP actually stalking really, like 24/7 and catalog someone's life.

There's this neat little addon called Gryphonheart Items over on Curse, where you can make your own readable notes and can share them with anyone with the addon.

Another option is something the AAMS does sometimes is we write such things to ourselves/each other in the mail and you can click on the piece of paper from the mailbox and have a similar thing.

EDIT: You can also make in-game 'tracking devices' using the GHI interface as well.
Edited by Iceia on 3/22/2015 1:18 PM PDT
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100 Undead Priest
I didn't think anyone used Gryphonheart Items anymore! o.O

I'm so reinstalling that. Such a good tool.. Of course, it only works if the other people you are working with are using it too.
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100 Gnome Priest
03/18/2015 12:05 AMPosted by Kròm
What is your dream RP scenario?

A small, simple campsite. A warm crackling fire. A fresh pot of coffee and hot pan fireside. Standing on the banks of a wide deep river of gently flowing crystalline waters, fly line in hand. The graceful sweeps of the pole as I dance the lure across the river surface in the early twilight of a spring morning.

Then spend the afternoon frying the day's catch over the fire with good friends, good stories, and good beer.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Year-spanning epica. I appreciate the small moments, gluing us all together. But I enjoy long, collaborative plots. Invite the whole damn server. Challenge guild leaders to bring their people on board, lending communal input to a central, agonizing theme. Which is difficult. A lot of the intricacy falls to the wayside, when you over-reach like that.

What a story, though.
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100 Undead Priest
My dream.. I don't think it's plausible anymore...but here it is:

A long rp epic drama involving both the Horde and the Alliance. Doesn't matter who starts it, but someone does either by accident or choice. Lots of stories and POV's would be posted and bards would sing of them at every player event to keep the masses informed. Hand-wringing and teeth gnashing DRAMA that would grip any and all who wanted to be a part of it.

All of this ending in a large-scale battle somewhere where we wouldn't be disturbed ending in someone(s) perma-death.

Oh and we crash the server. Yeah.

I can imagine it. Saw a server go boom from it, once. I'd love to see it again.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Yeah that's. Kinda what I've been wanting to do for a while.

Then I get lazy. And then people don't want to play along. And then its like. Well why bother I can just eat nuggets and marathon House of Cards.
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100 Draenei Shaman
03/27/2015 12:10 PMPosted by Clottia
A long rp epic drama involving both the Horde and the Alliance. Doesn't matter who starts it, but someone does either by accident or choice. Lots of stories and POV's would be posted and bards would sing of them at every player event to keep the masses informed. Hand-wringing and teeth gnashing DRAMA that would grip any and all who wanted to be a part of it.

All of this ending in a large-scale battle somewhere where we wouldn't be disturbed ending in someone(s) perma-death.

Watch Felwood. Watch it closely.
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A mission involving sneaking in somewhere, obtaining information, and sneaking out. Possibly someone getting caught, and then rescued.
Follow it up with some nasty reprisals, and a defection or two, and we're in business.
Climaxes in either a huge battle, or a huge party, possibly both.
New stories spiral out of this, and we carry on our merry ways.

A VAST amount of the coordination and communication would take place here on the forums, because it's my dream, and this is where I can access the RP side of things the most, darnit.

There would also have to be built in "if --> then" forks to allow for things going awry, and to allow for sudden changes in direction. For example, if someone gets killed during the rescue, or the rescue fails, then it leads to a different outcome.

I.E. Gameplay > Scripted events.

It would also be cool if we had some minor effect on the world. Things are so static... :/
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