AAMS Rebrand

100 Orc Shaman
It has come to the attention of the AAMS staff that our services as couriers, translators and exploration specialists is being vastly underused, as such the guild shall be going through a re-branding.

From today forward, we shall no longer be known as the Anytime Anywhere Messenger Service, a group of peaceful, peace loving non-aggressive neutrals.

We have become the A.A.M.S. Anytime, Anywhere Murder Service. A collection of thieves, murders and generally unpleasant but civilized troublemakers. Services can still be hired by contacting Derscha"The Boss" Kettlebomb, or her horde counterpart, "Lady" Braedorei Sunhawk,


So remember...

If you need a life to end
But you can't ask a friend.
Or doing it would mess up your hair
To solve all your concerns,
You know where you can turn.

Anytime, Anywheeere.
Edited by Bralox on 4/1/2015 7:23 AM PDT
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100 Draenei Warrior
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/gets sack of Gold
/goes looking for his local AAMS rep
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100 Undead Priest
*hums song*

Catchy. I can see Kenneth murdering the entire Alliance for me.

Going bankrupt would be worth it.
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100 Blood Elf Warrior
*starts making a list*
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100 Orc Warrior
*begins drafting up contracts for new clients*
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100 Human Rogue
This is my favorite thing. Ever.
04/01/2015 08:10 AMPosted by Clottia
Catchy. I can see Kenneth murdering the entire Alliance for me.

Just try it.

I'm am SO leaving Terra for this service! I found my dream job! WHERE DO I SIGN UP!?
Edited by Arlston on 4/1/2015 9:04 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Well, that escalated quickly.
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100 Undead Priest
04/01/2015 09:06 AMPosted by Ketiron
Well, that escalated quickly.

Just shows to go you that murder can be fun and revitalizing to the soul.

... Perhaps the AAMS *does* need to branch out to new avenues of revenue.

04/01/2015 09:04 AMPosted by Arlston
This is my favorite thing. Ever.
04/01/2015 08:10 AMPosted by Clottia
Catchy. I can see Kenneth murdering the entire Alliance for me.

Just try it.

I'm am SO leaving Terra for this service! I found my dream job! WHERE DO I SIGN UP!?

Oh... I will, and bring it, Baby Face! *blows a kiss*
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100 Human Warlock
Clearly there is an untapped market here.
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100 Human Mage
04/01/2015 09:04 AMPosted by Arlston
I'm am SO leaving Terra for this service! I found my dream job! WHERE DO I SIGN UP!?

You're leaving me? ;_;
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Dear AAMS Rep...
I looked for you this morning, but none of your staff were available. I find this lapse in customer service to be appalling, especially when offering such an amazingly new service like this one.
Please rectify the situation asap, as I have the gold, the time, and the list. All I require now is, well, your fine establishment to DO THEIR JOBS.
Kindest Regards
Archturkey Plainswander
Edited by Plainswander on 4/1/2015 11:22 AM PDT
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100 Orc Shaman
Dear Archturkey.

I poked you, you were AFK.

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100 Undead Warrior
Give to usss the liversss of the ssslain, yesss!

*showers the AAMS in Maggot Tokens*
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94 Blood Elf Paladin
04/01/2015 01:15 PMPosted by Abominus
Give to usss the liversss of the ssslain, yesss!

*showers the AAMS in Maggot Tokens*

*stares at Abominus in horror and bubbles*
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100 Human Rogue
04/01/2015 10:49 AMPosted by Terra
You're leaving me? ;_;

Baby! I didn't mean it like that! Come back! You gotta listen! It's a misunderstandi-Oooooh shiny knives....
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100 Goblin Warlock
Did someone say murder? :3

*takes a sip from her polished gnome skull*
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Hmph. Ah'd gotten used ta usin' de old AAMS for ma most formal, strict-etiquette social correspondence!

Fortunately, "strict etiquette" for trolls includes murder. So we're still in business, here.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I will be joining this guild immediately. And I will run it.. out of the way GOBBO!
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100 Orc Shaman
Excuse you, Elf. The other elf and the goblin are just a front. Bralox true mastermind orc.
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