03/30/2015 08:45 PMPosted by
Zaranae I think we should have discussion on what CRZ means for RPers.
A lot of our server's events happen in CRZ zones, including Feathers tavern.
CRZ presents opportunity's for new RP interactions, but also some problems when things don't mesh so well.
I agree. We should discuss what CRZ means for RPers. I'll start here with a few comments to keep the discussion local. Perhaps I'll branch out into your WET post later. :) ...if that's ok with you.
I recognize and appreciate the beneficial opportunities CRZ can provide, but personally my interaction has been more to the detrimental side.
Where RP is concerned at best I tend to be ignored, and I'm content with reciprocating that by minding my own business. I'm more than happy to kibitz icly and emote if the other approaches me first, but typically 'they' don't. Rarely does an other-realm rper extend a whisper or ((ooc comment)) and attempt to contact me, the player. Usually I'm stepped over, crowded out of a situation, and generally made to feel unwelcomed as though I were a toddler to be ignored.
On the rare occasion that I do get that ((ooc extension)) there is a fairly good chance that the conversation will go something along the lines of "You're in my space. I'm using this space. You need to leave." In this scenario I would need to comply or else it'll devolve rapidly into a grief fest, as if they're 12yo and they call all their dumb little buddies over to make a nuisance and ruin it for everyone.
On the ooc side of things, we've all had horrible experiences with PUGs. For me, I tend to run more dungeon leveling PUGs more than I do LFR or PVP, but I've had my fair share of similar experiences there as well. The benefit to PUGs is that if/when things devolve and become unproductive I can just leave. It's kinda like stepping into another room and closing the door behind you, a door through which they can not follow. I can dust my hands off and carry on without a second thought, regardless of what may have happened in the PUG.
CRZ doesn't have that "PUG door" benefit. If I'm sitting comfortably in an unused house in IF and a group of two to four WrA toons wander in and are being rude and discourteous, I can't just pop back into a CC-SoE only phase and make them disappear. Would that I could sometimes. Instead I'm forced to either move to accommodate the whims of a bratty 12yo or stand my ground and risk wasting the next several minutes suffering their grieving and that of any other "brahs" they call to their aid.
Needless to say, I'm more than a little jaded where CRZ is involved. This isn't -every- experience mind you. I did say that I recognize that there are some benefits, and I've had a few good experiences. I also realize that WrA, MG, and the other realms aren't full of idiots, a**hats, and 12yo's... >.>
though sometimes I wonder. I have met more than a few good and fair minded people IC and OOC, in PUGs and in CRZ. Unfortunately it seems at times that the bucket of 'bad experiences' tends to outweigh my hand full of 'good experiences'.
I really do appreciate the efforts you are putting in here, Zaranae. Your attempts to open up lines of cross-realm-zone communication is a very good thing. Perhaps it can help me get over my aversion to CRZ by connecting me with helpful like-minded individuals in those other realms.