Sitrep (OOCish)

97 Blood Elf Priest
Hey hi, hello. Sup. How you livin'.

Nice to see you. Been a while. You're looking good.

So hey anyway. I see a lot of new and old faces patrolling these waters and it irritates me that I can't put stories to them. I haven't met a lot of you, but I'd like to. So, and I understand if you don't want to divulge spoilers or anything, but I wanna know what you're up to.

Tell me what you've been doing with yourself in character. Doesn't have to be a lot, doesn't have to be a little. Update me with the latest and greatest. Any new social moves? Any new scars? Have you started moving in a new direction? It'd be nice to be caught up, so to speak.
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100 Draenei Paladin
Hrrm. OOC-ish reply.

Thumbnail sketch of the character:
Zeph is a zealot. Bigoted? If you're an orc or a demon-worshipper, yes. Otherwise, she's a young (barely an adult by Draenei standards) paladin with a lot of responsibility trying to do the best she can with what abilities she has. She tries to do right by those who trust her and those she trusts. Threats are things to be responded to, stamped out, and eliminated. Understanding why can come later. Nuanced views of the world are right out.

Recently promoted within the Presidium, she's struggling a bit with taking on a leadership role. Several months ago, a romantic relationship fizzled so she's pretty much been diving back into her "work" on Draenor. Take a peek at the story "The Road of Good Intentions" for an idea of what that involves (it's a page or so back on these forums). Also, I should probably get back to writing on that at some point.
Edited by Zephilyn on 4/9/2015 10:07 AM PDT
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98 Night Elf Druid
I'm a kittycat.
And I prowl-prowl-prowl
and I growl-growl-growl

I'm a sassycat!
And I mew-mew-mew
while I pew-pew-pew!

I also make bagels and serve them on Caturdays. And follow people around Stormwind for no reason. And "kidnap" Abominus' maggots and give them silly names. And make people queasy.

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97 Blood Elf Priest
Know what? I will. I will read your story.

Thanks for replying.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Awh. Kitty.

If I ever need to know the warmest spot on the windowsill to perch and nap, I know who to find.
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100 Gnome Priest
This old gnome has taken on more responsibility within Conclave.

Currently a curator of their Northshire archives, he does all of the usual day to day business as keeper and custodian of this ever expanding collection of books and artifacts. Ever expanding because aside his usual day to day, he also conducts bits of research in an effort to find new records to add to Conclaves volumes, old histories to be discovered, studied, and recorded as well as locate relics and artifacts of ages past of the mundane and magical. Tomes of magic are also being researched and that collection is being expanded, but overseen at a different location by another.

Recently the witness to a heinous triple homicide which is still under investigation by the watch.

Still has a weak heart and an issue with a phenomenon involving shadow magic.

Oocish, I've been preoccupied with rl situations, not the least of which the recent crash-and-burn of my computer, so I'm hoping I can stabilize & organize things behind the screen enough to start putting more effort into my curator rp. My intent in the beginning was to offer interested players a list of quick one-shot rp adventures that they could complete when and how they may, with or without me. Audacious I grant, even for me, but I'm willing to put it out there if I can only find time to do the "stuff" behind the scenes.

I also need to write more. I miss submitting my little tales.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Audacity is a fine hook, though. Pushing progress, pushing story. We need more of that, as a community.

All apologies for the smouldering ruin of your former computer.
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100 Gnome Warlock
This dark apprentice is beginning to find her stride after diving into the abyssal-deep end of the fel-pool. She has her "secret lair" set up and ever expanding. She is working to increase and strengthen her power base while also supporting the works of her dark master.

Currently she's hunting and harrying a certain blood elf.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
It would be something, if we could tailor our garrisons a bit more to suit our characters. Add or remove a castle. Or a literal subterranean lair, replete with fel-poisoned waterfalls presided upon by weeping statues.

Or like, a Dennys.
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91 Gnome Monk
Not much of an exciting story going on here. Just a typical gnome working to manage a series of moderately successful engineering-technology-invention themed business, the most recent of which is being contracted with the Kingdom of Stormwind to offer technological support in whatever capacity is required.

A line of personal security drones were developed for the watch. He's recently acquired a building between Cathedral Square and Dwarven District overlooking the canal, which is being renovated as a parts and technology warehouse with several service bays used to support the watch's line of drones as well as other local ventures.

He recently helped another player design and build a prosthetic arm! That was fun. :)
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97 Blood Elf Priest
A prosthetic! That does seem pretty fun.

I like the variety. It would only make sense that some folks felt more at home on the wandering plains of battle, and some would feel more at home... in their actual homes. Running businesses, contracting work for the Kingdom.
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100 Draenei Warrior
What have I been doing? Where do I begin? Well let’s see Mr. Liore. Several months ago I sent you a letter, a letter that was to be for your eyes only. If you recall the letter contained detailed information and rather scathing remarks about a certain individual that was planning to apprehend Lady Azheira. Somehow the contents of that letter became known to this individual. I lost a finger as a result of my betrayal and was told that it was a lesson of what could come if I were to ever repeat such an action.

For matters I wish not to discuss, it was imperative that I retrieve what was once mine, as certain knowledge could be gathered from such an object. So for the last two months I set out on a quest to do just that. I reconned his fortress which eventually led to an assault. In the end I was successful, but I still have a nagging feeling that it was too easy.
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100 Orc Shaman
Bralox made food.

Then ate it.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Oh right. -That-.

Well, the cost of kinship I suppose. Perhaps you should not deal with madmen. Or at least seek sanctum away from these turncoats and these pursuers of their esteemed 'justice'. I know better. I know you've done no wrong.

Come to me. At the least, we may see to your finger.

Bralox needs to slow down with that wild lifestyle. Off the chain, guy. Fast and hard is gonna catch up to you, some day.
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98 Night Elf Druid
*winds between legs with bagel in mouth, looking all cute and purpley*

I honestly need more things to do throughout the week. Seriously.
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100 Human Rogue
I stare at people.

Write notes and stalk them home to observe them.

I also put holes in perfectly wholesome organic bodies.

I'm good at that.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Hello - my name is Lithliana, but please call me Lili.

I'm somewhat of a pitiful mage. I burn myself a lot, but I've recently begun learning to control my abilities. I'm not really anything special - just a grunt of the Horde, and a courier for the AAMS. I'm one half of a couple that most would find...abnormal.

I've been very happy recently - Noblegarden is my favorite festival, as I really do love bunnies. Don't look at me like that. I like warm, fuzzy animals, and no one can stop me.

At the moment, I'm getting ready for the AAMS-hosted egg hunt tomorrow in Eversong Woods. I had a hand in planning it, which I take pride in.

....I sound so boring.
Edited by Lithliana on 4/10/2015 6:37 PM PDT
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100 Human Mage
04/10/2015 12:26 PMPosted by Noikona
I still have a nagging feeling that it was too easy.

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100 Draenei Shaman
*hexes Liore*

/end story
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100 Pandaren Rogue
Divorced and lonely. May or may not be working on a new play...
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