Sitrep (OOCish)

100 Night Elf Rogue
Since we last met?

Well, there are two of us running around now, one mostly more reclusive than myself. Certain projects are moving well, albeit with significant setbacks recently, and I've wholeheartedly embraced goblin engineering.

Because the sentinels needed bomb-tipped Rambo II arrows a LONG time ago.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
When we last met I was encased in armor and bristling with blades and that didn't stall you from stabbing me into a sponge-form. You do not need explosives.

@Belpha -Frog's Theme intensifies-

Iri, that'll learn you for letting me officiate your wedding. Its like the blind leading the bl-

Its like the mute singing a s-

Edited by Liore on 4/13/2015 6:59 AM PDT
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Arlston. I remember you. I've long wondered how your notes are composed. I like to imagine they are cursive and flowered with rich, poetic acuity, but in reality they are more likely to be brief, jagged observations. Scribbled out in a hurried hand, twisted notes coiling along the margin.

Lili, how did the hunt go? Good to meet you, pleasure. Tell us of your studies. Its a mystery to me, what is practiced behind the Magister's vaulted doors.
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100 Undead Priest
04/10/2015 05:41 PMPosted by Arlston

I also put holes in perfectly wholesome organic bodies.

This made me laugh. I needed that today.



Forsaken waste of a priestess. Trying my best to bring the boogieman back to the children of Stormwind one attack at a time. I collect body parts, old stitches, wayward travelers and other bits and bobs that I keep in my wonderful new casket in Brill.

I sustain myself on a strict raw Alliance diet with the occasional Horde dietary supplement - any old bloody bandage will do.

I also dabble in poetry. Though I did not get the warm response I expected at Storytelling last evening, I am undeterred in my ambition.

Currently on the market for a fresh set of peepers. I grow tired of not being able to see my surroundings or the look of terror..scratch that.. smiles of joy the children in the Orgrimmar orphanage have on their faces when I volunteer.
Edited by Clottia on 4/13/2015 9:51 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
I've been standing inn fire as always darlin'

I miss your ugly mug, some times. How is you much prettier better half doing?
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100 Night Elf Druid
Being the windiest of Ravens, my little druid has taken it easy. Undertook a protege. Helped an old draenei meet up with a friend. Ate one of Bremms bagels a while back. Slinks around Stormwind and prowls about Draenor. Lorrik is more interesting, as far as day to day life..
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I'm the big, fat, feathery, jolly ArchTurkey.
My motives are always suspect, but my ethics never are.
Don't accept an Omelette from me. Why?
I make them myself. Think about it.
I keep myself to myself most times. Unless words are involved, and then, I have them all.
I'll answer any question. I'm a friend to most.
I've been here longer than many.
(And I'm not leaving, no matter how much some may wish I would.)
I take the notion of "balance" quite seriously.
And I cannot abide rudeness.

Anything else, you need to ask.

((OOCly? My life has become Mythically Insane, and it started with a car driving through the front of my house in January. We're all hoping it gets back to normal before june...but so far, not even close.))
Edited by Plainswander on 4/21/2015 4:24 PM PDT
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