Trifectal Sisters Inc is an engineering corporation. We have the best mechanics and create the best inventions. Our Board of Directors are the Trifectal Sisters, whilst the corporation was named after. They are in no way related, but they are a group friends that turnout to be amazing engineers. We are recruiting new engineers and business people. Afterall, this is not non profit, although every week we will do a little pro-bono work. We would love to have you aboard. Apply now at 1-800-APPLY-TO-TSINC Once again that is 1-800-APPLY-TO-TSINC. Now go, go! Raise our sales, thus raise our profit. Now go! Apply!
Trifectal Sisters Inc
((Well done! I like how you've icly set up this guild recruitment post.))
((Thank you very much. Idk if you remember me but I am the need that tried to arrest you gnome rogue. XD thanks for praising this post, it means a lot to me.04/12/2015 11:44 PMPosted by Caileanmor((Well done! I like how you've icly set up this guild recruitment post.))
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