Ironforge Guard...Where'r we going with this?

100 Dwarf Paladin

First off, all apologies for being hard to get a hold of. I've had pressing rl matters that is keeping my schedule interesting, and on top of it I've had computer issues. Computer issues are hopefully behind me. :)

Now, I'd like to reassure people that the Ironforge Guard (IFG) is here to stay. Our doors remain open, albeit to a rather narrow group. This is something which I'd like to openly discuss with interested parties. Any and all are welcome to chime in.

The Guild Currently:
The Ironforge Guard is a Role Play focused guild. To wit I've been seriously pondering where the IFG stands. With Orwyn's blessing (Commander of the Stormwind Union) I have adopted SWU's framework. This being that the IFG is the Ironforge version of SWU, a local police force centralized in Ironforge. A copy and paste, if you will. :)

Like SWU, the IFG have our own patrol sectors within the city and throughout the broader kingdom of Khaz Modan. We have a variety of positions available within the guild to cater to just about any law enforcement need, including openings for just plain-ol' civilian ranks. Being a part of the IFG doesn't mean you have to be a part of the law enforcement. You can also be apart of the civilian community.

I really like this build. It's proved a successful pattern for Orwyn and the Stormwind Union. That and a whole lot of hard work IC and OOC. This I know, and I am doing what I can... though I know my efforts have fallen really short lately; but I'm not here to talk about that.

I want to chat about the theme and story of the Ironforge Guard.

I suppose the theme would always remain the same; that we're a Law Enforcement / Civilian Community guild. Our general story however, on the LE side of things, is that the Ironforge Guard isn't "The Guard" of Ironforge but a unit "within" The Guard.

We're not meant to represent "all" of the city guard. I feel that's unrealistic and largely unfair to any other LE themed guild that might want to pop up within IF. Instead I've attempted to carve out a small niche through the use of short story posts (in this forum) where we represent a general "unit" within the guard itself. This direction of story has caused me to consider changing the guild name to something similar, but different... but I must confess I'm finding it hard to let go of "Ironforge Guard". :P
...and yes I'd even considered the Ironforge Union -hehe- but that just seemed a little too close. Ya know?

An Idea about Moving Forward:
I've recently come to another idea, and possibly to the heart of why I'm posting all of this. I'm thinking it might be a neat idea to further expand IFG to include "royal guard". The proposed story-shift being that we're no longer a specific unit within the city guard.

Rather the IFG would now represent any and all "branches" of Law Enforcement within Ironforge and Khaz Modan, to include a broad range of civilian positions. Now, this doesn't mean that to be apart of the IF military you -have to be- apart of the IFG...but it does mean that the IFG may have several characters who are apart of the IF military.

My intent for this idea is to broaden the range of potential stories and characters, not to step on people's toes...and given that Ironforge is largely set up as a "militaristic state" it seemed only fitting.

Any thoughts, ideas, or comments on any of this?
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100 Draenei Mage
Great to see you still around!

This might be short notice, but I found an event from WrA, a Clan Moot being held in Thelsamar, Loch Modan 7pm server (same for both) on Tuesday the 14th. Perhaps the Ironforge Guard could attend?

Here's a link to the event
The host, Foranth, just asked that people whisper him to be invited. So that would be /whisper Foranth-WyrmrestAccord

Also open to any other dwarf RPers here. :D

Anyway, there's that plug.

I'd be really interested in talking to you about RPing in Ironforge and elsewhere, since they are CRZ zones.

How will the Ironforge Guard address RPers from other servers? I know you said you guys are a unit, as to not step on the toes of other LE guilds, but do you think you will be able to interact with those other guilds perhaps?
Edited by Zaranae on 4/13/2015 1:12 AM PDT
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100 Dwarf Hunter
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90 Gnome Rogue
For Gnomeregan!
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100 Draenei Warrior
Edited by Noikona on 4/13/2015 4:36 PM PDT
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100 Dwarf Paladin
04/13/2015 01:07 AMPosted by Zaranae
Great to see you still around!

This might be short notice, but I found an event from WrA, a Clan Moot being held in Thelsamar, Loch Modan 7pm server (same for both) on Tuesday the 14th. Perhaps the Ironforge Guard could attend?

Here's a link to the event
The host, Foranth, just asked that people whisper him to be invited. So that would be /whisper Foranth-WyrmrestAccord

Also open to any other dwarf RPers here. :D

Anyway, there's that plug.

Thank you for that plug, Zaranae. :) That is certainly something that I'll have to look into.

04/13/2015 01:07 AMPosted by Zaranae
How will the Ironforge Guard address RPers from other servers? I know you said you guys are a unit, as to not step on the toes of other LE guilds, but do you think you will be able to interact with those other guilds perhaps?

How the IFG will address RPers from other servers will remain to be seen, mainly because we are so few. I encourage individual members to interact with other-realm rpers as best suits them.

I feel that CRZ is kind of a sticky situation for me, personally, but I won't let that get in the way of some good rp fun if it turns up. I suppose I'll clarify more on your I made a post about CRZ... thread, but for now lets just say yes. :) We will be able to interact with those other guilds, provided they are willing/able to interact with us on fair ground.

Ironforge is CRZ'd, which is a double edged sword imo. The potential is always there for interaction with more role players, but that also increases the likelihood of territorial drama and griefing. I do believe in mutual respect across realm lines since we share the same space, but we are not solely dependant on inner city RP. In fact, I encourage utilizing the whole of the Dwarven realm, even the apparent contested lands. To wit, I recently started a short story (which I need to tend too) that is meant to set up the bunker of the Northern Pass between Dun Morogh and Loch Modan as a sort of RP Hub for the IFG. Though they are CRZ, I don't know of anyone that utilizes either of those bunkers on a regular basis.
Edited by Ødin on 4/13/2015 11:45 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Warlock
...nevermind. Lets keep it civil... <.>
Edited by Ravenblack on 4/13/2015 11:51 AM PDT
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100 Dwarf Paladin
04/13/2015 12:34 AMPosted by Ødin
Any thoughts, ideas, or comments on any of this?

Any at all?...
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100 Human Warlock
Your beard needs work.

I've seen finer.
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100 Dwarf Paladin
Finer perhaps but few as GRAND!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I do have a 60 dwarf shaman on SoE who could use a home, if you need roving shamans. :D
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100 Human Warrior
It goes without saying that we'd love to support our sister guild however we can. I'm sure there are plenty of opportunities for joint story lines, combined training, friendly competitions, and so on.

I think expanding the roles included in your guild is a good idea. It worked for the Union.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I'm pretty happy to hear that this is still going. I think the broader appeal will be helpful to you, but the biggest thing is that we're going to have to be able to interact with you, which is tough on this server.

With that in mind, what are your usual activity windows? If I were to randomly visit Ironforge, when would I have the best chance of finding you?
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100 Dwarf Paladin
04/19/2015 07:18 PMPosted by Kyalin
but the biggest thing is that we're going to have to be able to interact with you, which is tough on this server.

Agreed. It is tough, but mostly of my own doing I must admit.
04/19/2015 07:18 PMPosted by Kyalin
With that in mind, what are your usual activity windows? If I were to randomly visit Ironforge, when would I have the best chance of finding you?

That's hard to say. My personal schedule is in such flux that I never know when I'll have the time to pop on.

I often log on for an hour or two before (or around) noon to take care of garrison things. I then like to try and log back on around peak hours. Sometimes I'm on as early as 3pm. Othertimes I don't make it until 7pm or even 10pm [realm time]. Lately it seems I'm online quite late.

One thing I can start doing is announcing when I'm out patrolling, if that will help :)
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100 Dwarf Paladin
04/17/2015 04:26 PMPosted by Ketiron
I do have a 60 dwarf shaman on SoE who could use a home, if you need roving shamans. :D

Certainly! \o/
The more the hairier...I mean merrier :D
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